Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Diversity in my city Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Diversity in my city - Essay Example The other races that take the rest of the population are equally advantaged to increased access to infrastructure brought about by the socio-economic and political influence of the dominant white race. The existing cultural diversity in our neighborhood has led to multilingual characteristic of the population. This is observed through many races like Asians speaking their local languages while at the same time speaking English as the national language. The challenge this poses is in the comparatively poor quality of English spoken by non-white races which translates to their under representation in socio-economic and political structure of the larger society. The higher active population has led to increased labor force but level of education variance means more whites are in employment as other races languish in relative poverty and high unemployment. However, the cultural diversity has seen the neighborhood reflect unity in terms of one national language speaking in English and increased campaign for affirmative action of an inclusive socio-economic growth across all the cultural entities in the neighborhood. The large and diverse cultural group has also lead to larger market fo r variety of goods and services hence vibrant local
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Factors Which Affect The Travel And Tourism Industries Tourism Essay
Factors Which Affect The Travel And Tourism Industries Tourism Essay Introduction to Hospitality Industry Hospitality Industry, historians have traced the development of the hospitality industry through of thousands of years and many cultures. The term of hospitality industry can define as an age-old industry because historians speculate the first overnight lodging structures were erected along Middle Eastern. Viewing the industry through the e lens of history is helpful because it reveals the strong relationship between the shape of hospitality and the needs and want, the hospitality industry will continue to change in what they need and want, the hospitality industry will also continue to change. The hospitality industry encompasses a wide range of businesses, each of which is dedicated of the service of people away from home. (Chon, 2010) The hospitality and tourism industries are the largest and fast-growing industries in the world. The hospitality industry consists of wide category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging industry components, food industry components, recreation sports and entertainment components, transportation industry, and supplementary fields within the tourism industry. (Chon, 2010) Advantages in the hospitality industry From the simple origins as privately owned, independently operated businesses are the hospitality industry because has grown in complexity and size. Todays hospitality businesses interact with one another on a global basis, and must stay aware of what is happening around them. For an example, management companies and hotel chains now spread across the world; economic conditions in Singapore affect a companys holdings there and elsewhere. Hospitality businesses are closely intertwined with those in the travel and tourism. Tourism is travel for recreation or the promotion and arrangement of such travel. Tourism and the hospitality industry so strongly affect one another that some associations and industry leaders, including the Council on Hotel, Restaurant and institutional Education (CHRIE), consider the combined industries of hospitality and tourism as one large industry- the hospitality and tourism industry. The components of this large industry include: (Chon, 2010) Food and Beverage Service Lodging Service and Ski Resort Recreation Service Campground and Theme Parks Travel- Related(Tourism) Service The Gaming industry Product provides with personal service in conjunction with the first four components. Because these components are separate and often competing industries, this group industries will be referred to in this text of an interconnected set of parts or components. Channel Distribution is one of the important uses in hospitality industry. Channel distribution is used to transfer merchandise from the manufacturer to the end user. An intermediary in the channel is called a middleman. Channels normally range from two-level channels without intermediaries to five-level channel with three intermediaries. For an example, a caterer who prepares food and sells it directly to the customer is in a two level channel. A food manufacturer who sells to a restaurant supplier, who sells to individual restaurant, who then serve the customer, is in a four-level channel. Intermediaries in the channel of distribution are used to facilitate the delivery of the merchandise as well as to transfer title, payments, and information about the merchandise. For example, a manufacturer may rely upon the workforces employed by a distributor to sell the product, make deliveries, and collect payments. The channels used by a marketer are an integral part of the marketing plan a nd play a role in all strategic marketing decisions. Global distribution system is the worldwide computerized reservation network used as a single point of access for reserving airlines seats, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other travel related items by travel agents, online reservations sites, and large corporations. The premier GDS are Amadeus, Galileo, Saber, and World span owned and operated as joint ventures by major airlines, car rental firms, and hotel groups and also called automated(ARS) or computerized reservations system(CRS). 1.3 Disadvantages in the hospitality Industry The disadvantages of Globalization on the hospitality industry are as follows: Language Barriers Due to Globalization, the hospitality industry can employ people from different countries- as it is usually cheaper they may sometimes have problems in communicating with the customers. Many customers get quite irate as a result of this. (Chon, 2010) Cultural Barriers: As there are people from various cultures, one needs to be careful not to offend them. For example, a Muslim will not eat pork one needs to make sure not serve food which contains pork. (unless specifically asked). Whats acceptable by one culture may be frowned upon by another. Events/Disasters in other Countries: A disaster or even taking place in one country may affect our country (the home country) also. For example, the financial crisis makes less people want to spend money or travel; due to increase in terrorism some visitors get are not ready to travel to certain countries. Seasonal Employment: During peak periods, a lot of jobs are available but as soon as the tourists go back the jobs disappear as well. For example: Goa India; the locals in Goa get their income only during the peak season, (Dec-Feb and April July) after which they have no jobs and no income. Increasing use of technology to communicate: Due to international barriers, there has been a steady increase in the use of technology for communication (through the internet, voice recordings). This removes the human touch. Developing Countries: Countries that are unable to keep up with the advancement in technology tend to lose out. Example: Africa does not have the infrastructure or technology as yet to welcome a large amount of foreign visitors, though it does have a lot of natural attractions. To increase the flow, it would have to improve conditions; otherwise tourists have a vast sea of areas to choose from. Increase in Crime Rate: With the increase in tourists, crimes increase too. Example: pick-pocketing, hustling, rape, smuggling. Bad Habits: People from other countries sometimes influence the local youth in a bad way. Increase in drugs and promiscuous behavior, etc. Environment Depletion: Globalization causes an imbalance in the eco system. People usually throw their garbage around everywhere which could cause sickness, to encourage more visitors, areas of greenery are cleared and wildlife killed which is a major cause for global warming. Loss of Cultural Pride and Values: To suit customer needs to change or modify various services and products. For example: Certain food dishes are changed ( in taste, names become more westernized ) to make them more attractive to visitors. This, in a way, leads to the loss of culture as one wants to become and behave like the tourists that come into our country. 1.4 Conclusion Hotel business is growing and developing a career centre, Includes travel, tourism, restaurants and recreational facilities and the government more and more people are turning to industry to make money. For those planning to venture into the hospitality industry, it helps to know the common terms and words of a particular industry.If we manage a restaurant in the street with heavy tourist traffic for example, we wound want to stay current with local attractions and question beyond the experience of visitors to our restaurant. This will enable our customers to get the best service the focal point of the hotel industry. Experienced travelers may want to know the abbreviation for the hotel industry, the industry stands and password in order to plan the best possible vacation. Beginners may want to be informed about the latest jargon in order to make their trip go more smoothly. QUESTION 2 Find out the factors that affecting travel and tourism. Explain in detail. 2.1 Introduction to Travel and Tourism The travel and tourism industry is the largest individual industry in the world and the largest contributor to global economic development. Worldwide, this rapidly changing industry generates more than $2.5 trillion annually and provides jobs for more than 112 million people. In terms of total revenues, investment and employment travel is also the fastest-growing industry. (Chon, 2010) The components of the hospitality network may be independent and competitive businesses, yet they share an interdependency that has evolved over the centuries. The relationship can be seen in the roles that destinations and hospitality facilities play in motivating people to travel. Although travel encompasses all movement or displacement of people, not all travel involves tourism. Refugee, migrants, explorers, nomads, soldiers, and commuters certainly travel, but they are not tourists. Tourism-related travel involves the movements of visitors to a place to enjoy attractions, special events, hospitability, lodging, food, and entertainment. The tourism industry is concerned with attraction and events that draw tourists and excursionists to an area. (Chon, 2010) 2.2 Factor which support the growth of tourism The most effective factors that inspire the growth of tourism of a country are the stability of Politics of a country. This is because the country is safe from crime, wars and helps to protect the safety of tourism. For an example, Singapore the fast growing country is focusing more on safety of tourist, so that the political stable will be respected and impressed by the tourist and also will generates the growth of a country. Furthermore, one of the important aspects is Economic development of a country. To relate this, if the economy of a country is stable, there will be more investors to invest in our country as well joint ventures. For an example, if the economy growth is higher than, the number of tourist will be also increase. Besides that, more strategic tourist spots are being built to attract the tourist to come over to experience as well as to have leisure time. Also, this is mainly to promote the entire region or city as either a business or pleasure destination. In addition, one of the strongest factors in choosing destination is the desire to visit family and friend. Although people visiting other people often do not need commercial lodging, they probably will take advantage of other hospitality and tourism service such as transportation, recreation, food, museums, entertainment, and product during their trip. As a final point, the most imperative dynamics that can boost the growth of tourism is through Education. In todays world, education plays a vital role for every individual to be successful in life. In addition, the Ministry if Higher Education can come out various types of education plan in order to promote the eminence of education of our country as well as to be hub for foreign countries to twin-up their educational programmes. 2.3 Factor which effecting Travel and Tourism There are quite a number of factors that could most likely to contribute to boost up the Travel and Tourism Industry of country. A healthy tourism trade benefits countries Economically, Sosioculurtrally, and Environmentally. Of course, some effects the travel tourism also exist. Careful planning and management can help lessen negative impact. 2.2.1 The Economic Affect of Tourism In a narrow sense, tourism refers to the activity or practice of travelling for personal enlightenment, education or pleasure. In a broader sense, tourism is the business of providing information, transportation, accommodation and other service to all types of travelers, whether travelling for business or pleasure. Tourism is now firmly established almost where in the world, from the high mountains of Tibet to the Amazon jungle of Brazil. Whether the sites are ancient ruins, mountain, forests, or beaches, tourism development has inevitably followed discovery. The Economic benefits of tourism are undeniable. The most visible economic benefits of tourism is employment. Tourism provides jobs such workers as hotel employees, taxi drivers, tour guides, construction workers, entertainers, restaurant employees, and transportation workers. Many such jobs would not exist if tourism had not been developed. Foe example, if taxi drivers in Malaysia could not transport visitors to hotels, they might not have a livelihood as taxi drivers at all. (Chon, 2010) Besides employment, tourism also generates revenue that benefits the local population by increasing economic activity. Taxes paid by tourist help local government fund education, health are and other service. Money spent by a traveler at a hotel or restaurant help to pay employee wages and support other business. Eventually, the same money is used to by food, clothing and other products and services, further benefiting the country. (Chon, 2010) 2.3.2 The Culture Affect of Tourism One of the most positive effects of tourism is cross culture awareness, the fostering of understanding between people of different nations and culture. The opportunity to exchange knowledge, ideas, and tradition is more available today than at previous time in history. Aside from merely satisfying curiosity, tourism promotes international good will and the exchange of culture values. For statistical purpose, the United Nations divides countries into two broad categories: developed countries and developing countries. The developed countries include all North America and European countries, as well as Japan, Australia, New Zealand. Developing countries are nations that have relatively poor economic and lack advanced Technologies. They are located in Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean and the Asian mainland. (Chon, 2010) Tourism is a major economic factor in most developed countries. According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO, 90 percent of all tourism are concentrated in 15 Countries in North America and Europe. To support a thriving tourism industry, airports must be built or expanded to accommodate jet aircraft and tourist facilities such as hotels, restaurants, and recreational sites must be constructed for visitors. The underlying framework of facilities and systems required to support a tourism industry is called tourism infrastructure. Particularly in developing countries, the creation of a tourism infrastructure can have a profound social, culture and environmental affect. 2.3.3 The Sociocultural Affect of Tourism The affect of increased hospitality and tourism activities on the ways individual interact with other members of their society also may be positive or negative. Changing family lifestyle and cross- culture contacts may result in either positive or negative influences. However, most concern surrounds the social ills that can results from countries. (Chon, 2010) Changing Family Lifestyle Many local residences find their lives changed when obtain tourism- related employment. Young people may enter the job market for the first time when tourism development occurs. On the positive sides, this may contribute to increased family income, allowing families to buy products that were previously beyond their means. The changes in lifestyles may also lead to demands for better housing and change in dress and eating habits. When local people adopt practices from tourists, this is known as the demonstration effect the demonstration effect can have a negative outcome, though if local residents come to realize that, even with their increased income, they cannot afford to live like the tourist. A feeling of envy or resentment toward affluent visitors may results. This situation tends to occur most in those destinations where the economy is based primarily on tourism. (Chon, 2010) Social Ills Social ills include such problems as crime, displacement and discrimination. Organized crime and prostitution are sometimes associated with tourism. Indeed, research studies show a correlation between growth of tourism and increased crime. Promoters, law enforcement officers, and other stakeholders may have to deal with the facts that tourists who do not know their way around a city may be targets for criminals. The negative publicity from such attacks may be difficult to overcome. (Chon, 2010) The negative effect of tourism may be included discriminations. Hiring and promotion practices of corporation new to an area may be discriminatory against local employees. A community may be discriminate agents transplanted corporate employees. When there are not enough local workers to build and manage the tourist business, workers may be brought in from outside the area or even the country. A sudden wave of large numbers of outside workers may cause resentment in local workers. This is especially true if the incoming employees occupancy menial jobs to local workers. For an example. If local worker see a higher standard of living for the newcomers, they may actively discriminate against them. On the other sides, if the culture and lifestyle of the local residents is very different from that of the newcomers, the newcomers may by uncomfortable in theirs situation. (Chon, 2010) 2.4 The Environmental Affect of Tourism Protecting the environment is now one of the most talked about and hotly-debated topics across the globe. Many companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to create products or make their products environmentally friendly. An example is the electric car that is being looked at as a viable option to that of the present gasoline powered car. In 2009 world leaders met in Copenhagen to discuss ways in which they can prevent global warming and reduce on the effects of climate change, in effect protecting the environment. The travel industry too has nit been left out of this issue. In a industry where the number of people engaged in international travel has been predicted to reach the billion marks in 2010, there is concern about its contribution to the damage bone to the environment. Also like every other industry the travel industry needs to be concerned about ways of doing business that are environmentally friendly. Outlined below are some of the environmental issues affecting the travel industry which stakeholders need to address and in some cases seek out long term solutions? Aviation which ferries hundreds of thousands of tourist across the globe is of great concern to those seeking to protect the environment. A major concern for the industry is greenhouse gas emissions. One way the aviation industry is working on this problem is by rolling out newer planes that have fuel efficient engines which means less carbon emissions. However not all airlines especially in the poor countries cant afford buying new aircraft. Mass Tourism, with the cost of travel becoming cheaper and more and more people venturing away from countries to place that were previously inaccessible but can now be reached because of air transport, areas of environmental and historical significance are becoming crowded. This is putting pressure on ecosystems within these areas and threatening the flora and fauna. Also climate change is going to mean that certain place will not favor visitors because of weather conditions becoming extreme which will lead to overcrowding in other place with more favorable weather conditions. Again this presents a danger to the ecosystems in the overcrowded areas and to the tourism of the area. (Chon, 2010) Deforestation, in spite of the worldwide call to protect the environment there are still areas where massive logging is taking place. This is also contributing to destruction of flora and fauna and is a threat to the tourism of the area. Besides that, with the call to go green affecting all industries across the globe the tourism industry has not been left out. There is pressure on those who are in the industry to find methods of doing business that are sustainable and environmentally friendly. For example, can the hotel industry builds hotels that are more environmental friendly? What methods can they use to conserve energy and reduce on chemicals that are in the dry cleaning of tons of laundry used in the industry? Human Encroachment, with populations continuing to grow worldwide there is mow competition between man and animals for space. Human are now encroaching on areas like National Part that are protected and marked for wildlife. This has led to reports of people and their livestock being killed by wild animals which in turn leads to people hunting and killing these animals that are considered to be a threats this is a threats to be tourism of the area. Human encroachment is also forcing animals to move away from their habitat to other areas where they cannot survive leading to the extinction of certain species. 2.5 Conclusion The travel and tourism field is the fast growing paced and rapidly growing in world. Each year, the tourism industry is increasing seems more difficulty to employees to undertake the trainer of new entrants to the fields. The parallel growth in the use of sophisticated technologies has complicated this situation. At the same time, travelers throughout the world have becomes more sophisticated, more knowledge and more demanding. Bibliography Websites Reference Scribe(2011), Hospitality Industry, Retrieved on February 12,2011 from Business Dictionary(2011), Global Distribution System, Retrieved on March 13,2011 from Bized(2011), Factors Affecting the Travel and Tourism Industry, Retrieved on March 13,2011 from Book Reference Kaye Chon, Thomas, A. Maier, 3rd Edition, Welcome to Hospitality and Introduction, USA: Delmer.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Claude-Achille Debussy Essay -- Music
The task of giving an overview of the life of Claude-Achille Debussy is not easy. Without hesitation, this dynamic character made courageous strides that pushed the limitations of music to another level. His ultimate goal was not to be glorified through fame but to find his own unique voice, or the ‘musique a moi’. Even though his goal was to create his own unique sound, he had many influences, such as art, literature, and Wagner, that guided him in the creation of his style. Regardless of his teachers protestations and fellow peers’ critiques, he experimented with different sounds in music. When listening to Debussy’s music, one can clearly tell that it belongs to Debussy because of his use of different harmonies, rhythms, the pentatonic and whole tone scale, and his instrumentation. Claude Debussy was born in Saint Germain en Laye, France on August 22nd, 1862 the oldest of five children. His father, Manuel-Achille Debussy, had dreams for his son to be a sailor. Those dreams were dashed aside when Claude-Achille took his first piano lessons. With help from his aunt Clementine, Claude-Achille received piano lessons with an Italian violinist Jean Cerutti. When his father saw that he could play the piano, Manuel’s dreams quickly changed to hopes of Claude becoming a virtuosic pianist. From there he was entrusted to Verlaine’s mother-in-law, who enrolled Claude into the Paris Conservatoire at the young age of ten years old. Claude’s years at the Paris Conservatoire not only taught him the fundamentals of music, but it also provided an environment where Claude could experiment with different dissonant chords and techniques which can be heard in his compositions. â€Å"In Marmontel’s piano class he used to astound us with his bizarre... ..., who would invent characters belonging to no particular time or place; who would not despotically impose on me actions to be depicted and would leave me free, here and there, to surpass him in matters of art and to fill out his work.†Works Cited Berry, Wallace. Musical Structure and Performance. New Haven: Yale UP, 1989. Print. Briscoe, James R. Debussy in Performance. New Haven [Conn.: Yale UP, 1999. Print. "Claude Debussy." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 04 July 2012. Web. 08 Apr. 2012. . Lockspeiser, Edward. Debussy: His Life and Mind. Vol. 1. New York: Macmillan, 1962. Print. Lockspeiser, Edward. Debussy: His Life and Mind. Vol. 2. London: Cassell, 1965. Print. Lockspeiser, Edward. Debussy. London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1966. Print. Nichols, Roger. The Life of Debussy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. Print.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Hathaway’s Poetry Essay
William Hathaway is a combat war veteran who has written many novels regarding war and men (Rommel). He usually takes mature and intimate subjects and topics. However, one of his poems entitled â€Å"Oh, Oh†catches none of these ideas. This is what makes the poem different. Instead of the usual subjects, Hathaway tackles a very childlike mirth in this poem. Although the use of words is quite complex and thought-provoking, the poem speaks of the young love blooming in the midst of a created world. This passionate poem with its rich imagery is an elegant example of two figures of speech, namely, irony and onomatopoeia. The imagery constructed by Hathaway in the poem is evident in many of the descriptions he has used. In the poem, through the use of diction and tone, the poet expresses the loving emotion that he feels towards his girl. He tries to take hold of the precious moment where he and his girl are alone in a field of grass. Furthermore, images of their dreams are also illustrated vividly. This was done by the use of the train and the railroad. As the train nears them, the dream of him being president fills the moment. The connection between the man and the girl is also established by the girl’s agreement to the dream, even adding, â€Å"and me first lady†(Hathaway 574). The relationship thus exhibited by the pair seems to deepen more as the passing train travels farther. Another very good method of enriching the imagery of the poem is actually evident on the poem’s title. Analyzing the title, it gives an impression of a calm and yet emotional air during the moment. Although the passing train is somewhat fast and the moment is short-lived, the poet effectively slows down the ticking of the clock due to the way he uses words that linger into the reader’s mind. For this reason, the author paints a nice image of the scene. One of the tools that made the poem’s imagery successfully depicted is the author’s use of different figures of speech. One of them is the onomatopoeia which is very obvious in most of the lines. In the first place, onomatopoeia is a figure of speech where imitation of natural sounds by words is employed (Microsoft Encarta). As can be seen from the title, the poem is seemingly full of onomatopoeic words. One such instance is the line, â€Å"moocows chomping daisies†(Hathaway 574). The animals were described by the use of the sounds they make, thus, creating a more vivid image as if the reader hears the natural sounds at that moment himself. Another such example is exhibited by â€Å"the choo-choos light†where the poet tries to let the reader hear the coming of the train with that sound characteristic of the train (Hathaway 574). As can be observed, although the poet did not really used the word train, it was already understood as such. What makes it different is that it gives a childlike touch to the poem. This effort is a good way of implying that the lovers are in their youthful years. The overall effect of the deliberate use of onomatopoeic verses thus gives the youthful spring to the poem. Besides the use of onomatopoeia, the author also uses the figure of speech known as irony. In this type, also known as paradox, the author tries to articulate contradicting ideas to drive a point or portray different images (Microsoft Encarta). Interestingly, the author does not actually use irony literally. Instead, the kind of irony used in the poem is that of situational irony, that means, there are two images that are depicted which complementarily contrast each other. This can be clearly explained by looking at the two circumstances that are represented in the poem. The first of the two images is that of nature. As can be seen from the opening verses of the poem, the author narrates the image of nature in grassland. He even tried to include grazing animals in his narration. Thus, the image is rendered as a natural environment where the living creatures such as â€Å"the moocows chomping daises†and the â€Å"grass stems†are thriving (Hathaway 574). On the other hand, the other image is that of the created world. This man-made image includes that of the rail road, the train and even those â€Å"Hells Angels†mentioned in the poem (Hathaway 574). All these things are created in the mechanical world of man, thus setting an unnatural environment. This mechanical image is the opposite image of the natural surrounding describe earlier. Therefore, such mechanical image and natural surrounding is a utilization of irony. What makes it more interesting is that the young couple seems to bridge these two images. The â€Å"arm waves to us from the black window†is a connection between these two contrasting images (Hathaway 574). The use of figures of speech in the poem makes its richer literary content. It gives an impression that the author played with appropriate words to create a youthful touch to the whole piece. The thing that sets the poem apart is its stillness in the midst of a fast-passing moment. The imagery was a masterpiece mainly contributed by the use of two figures of speech, specifically, onomatopoeia and irony. Using these classic tools of poetry, the author creates a poem full of emotion and passion.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Human Relations Bad/ Good Experience
On Tuesday Sept. 5 I signed my daughter up for cheerleading at Jefferson elementary school. Upon arriving you are required to pay $60.00 for sign up and also a $7.00 registration fee, pom poms are $25.00 and the uniform is $50.00. According to the flier there is a team for girls between the ages 5-7 and another for the ages 8 and over. During practice I noticed that the other girls were much younger and also shorter then my daughter and I felt it would be a better fit for my daughter to cheer with the older girls. I asked the coach since my daughter will be turning 8 years old next month if she could join the team with the older girls, The coach â€Å"said no , I was very upset, so I requested my money back. My money was returned and I found a new cheerleading program for my daughter with a more understanding coach. Good experience On Wednesday Sept.6 I went to the Taco Bell located in Alhambra Ca just off Fremont street. I ordered several taco’s with no tomatoes and 2 small drinks to go. When I arrived home and begun to eat my food I noticed the tacos had tomatoes. I called the taco bell to inform them a mistake was made on my order. The manager was very apologetic and asked if I could come back to the restaurant to replace my order, â€Å"I agreed. When I arrived I asked for the manager he replaced my order and gave me 3 free tacos and a coupon for a free meal. I was very thankful and will continue to shop there.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Hard Hat Riot essays
Hard Hat Riot essays The late 1960s and early 1970s was a period of social growth and change, a time when American citizens searched for their own identity. The Hard Hat Riot of May, 1970, clearly showed the new divisions that had emerged in American culture. The middle class labor force, dubbed the blue-collared workers, were in opposition to so many of their fathers and sons going to war in Vietnam, while many college students were excluded from the draft. This brought about obvious tensions between the two groups, which were embodied in a riot of construction workers and their confrontation with protestors on the steps of Wall Street. The Hard Hat Riot not only left multiple people injured and arrested, but provided proof of the ever-growing divisions within America. On May 9, 1970, construction workers from all over New York City converged on a peaceful antiwar demonstration taking place on Wall Street. The workers, still wearing their construction helmets, attacked the group of protestors, leaving nearly 70 people in need of medical attention. The mob reached Wall Street at about noon, where students had been calling for the withdrawal of military presence from Cambodia and Vietnam, along with the release of political prisoners in America, and the cessation of military-oriented work by the universities. The construction workers were vehemently enraged by the contradiction they saw with these protestors. The middle class of white males was the single largest group that made up the struggle in Vietnam. Fathers and sons were being sent oversees to fight in one of the most dangerous and costly wars of our time. These workers believed that these college students had no right to be interfering with a cause they had nothing to do with. Th e mob did more than simply attack the protestors. Once the workers reached the Federal Hall National Memorial, they surged over...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Jacob Lawrence Biography
Jacob Lawrence Biography The Basics: History Painter is an appropriate title, although Jacob Lawrence himself preferred Expressionist, and he was certainly best-qualified to describe his own work. Lawrence is one of the best known 20th-century African-American painters, along with Romare Bearden. While Lawrence is often associated with the Harlem Renaissance, its not accurate. He began studying art half a decade after the Great Depression terminated the heyday of that movement. It can be argued, though, that the Harlem Renaissance brought into being the schools, teachers and artist-mentors from whom Lawrence later learned. Early Life: Lawrence was born on September 7, 1917 in Atlantic City, New Jersey.After a childhood marked by a series of moves, and the separation of his parents, Jacob Lawrence, his mother and two younger siblings settled in Harlem when he was 12. It was there that he discovered drawing and painting (on discarded cardboard boxes), while attending an after-school program at Utopia Childrens Center. He kept up painting when he could, but was forced to drop out of school to help support the family after his mother lost her job during the Great Depression. His Art: Luck (and the persistent help of sculptor Augusta Savage) intervened to procure Lawrence an easel job as a part of the W.P.A. (Works Progress Administration). He loved art, reading and history. His quiet determination to show that African Americans, too, were a major factor in the history of the Western hemisphere despite their conspicuous absence in art and literature led him to embark on his first important series, The Life of Toussaint LOuverture. 1941 was a banner year for Jacob Lawrence: he broke the color barrier when his seminal, 60-panel The Migration of the Negro was exhibited at the prestigious Downtown Gallery, and also married fellow painter Gwendolyn Knight. He served in the U.S. Coast Guard during WWII and returned to his career as an artist. He landed a temporary job teaching at Black Mountain College (in 1947) at the invitation of Josef Albers who became both an influencer and friend. Lawrence spent the rest of his life painting, teaching and writing. He is best known for his representational compositions, full of simplified shapes, and bold colors and his use of watercolor and gouache. Unlike nearly any other modern or contemporary artist, he always worked in series of paintings, each with a distinct theme. His influence, as the visual artist who told stories of the dignity, hopes and struggles of African Americans in American history, is incalculable. Lawrence died on June 9, 2000 in Seattle, Washington. Important Works: Toussaint LOuverture (series), 1937-38 Harriet Tubman (series), 1938-39 Frederick Douglass (series), 1939-40 The Migration of the Negro (series), 1941 John Brown (series), 1941-42 Famous Quotes: I would describe my work as expressionist. The expressionist point of view is stressing your own feelings about something. My belief is that it is most important for an artist to develop an approach and philosophy about life - if he has developed this philosophy, he does not put paint on canvas, he puts himself on canvas. If at times my productions do not express the conventionally beautiful, there is always an effort to express the universal beauty of mans continuous struggle to lift his social position and to add dimension to his spiritual being.When the subject is strong, simplicity is the only way to treat it. Sources and Further Reading: Falconer, Morgan. Lawrence, Jacob Grove Art Online. Oxford University Press, 20 August 2005. Read a review of Grove Art Online.Lawrence, Jacob. Harriet and the Promised Land. New York : Aladdin Publishing, 1997 (reprint ed.). (Reading level: Ages 4-8) This wonderfully illustrated book, along with The Great Migration (below), are excellent means with which to introduce budding art enthusiasts to Jacob Lawrence.Lawrence, Jacob. The Great Migration. New York : Harper Trophy, 1995. (Reading level: Ages 9-12)Nesbett, Peter T. (ed.). Complete Jacob Lawrence. Seattle : University of Washington Press, 2000.Nesbett, Peter T. (ed.). Over the Line: The Art and Life of Jacob Lawrence.Seattle : University of Washington Press, 2000. Films Worth Watching: Jacob Lawrence: An Intimate Portrait (1993)Jacob Lawrence:The Glory of Expression (1994) Names beginning with L or Artist Profiles: Main Index. .
Sunday, October 20, 2019
NaN, Infinity, and Divide by Zero in VB.NET
NaN, Infinity, and Divide by Zero in VB.NET Beginning programming books usually include this warning: Dont divide by zero! Youll get a runtime error! Things have changed in VB.NET. Although there are more programming options and the calculation is more accurate, it isnt always easy to see why things happen the way they do. Here, we learn how to handle division by zero using VB.NETs structured error handling. And along the way, we also cover the new VB.NET constants: NaN, Infinity, and Epsilon. What Happens If You Run 'Divide By Zero' in VB.NET If you run a divide by zero scenario in VB.NET, you get this result: Dim a, b, c As Double a 1 : b 0 c a / b Console.WriteLine( _ Have math rules _ vbCrLf _ been repealed? _ vbCrLf _ Division by zero _ vbCrLf _ must be possible!) So whats going on here? The answer is that VB.NET actually gives you the mathematically correct answer. Mathematically, you can divide by zero, but what you get is infinity. Dim a, b, c As Double a 1 : b 0 c a / b Console.WriteLine( _ The answer is: _ c) Displays: The answer is: infinity The value infinity isnt too useful for most business applications. (Unless the CEO is wondering what the upper limit on his stock bonus is.) But it does keep your applications from crashing on a runtime exception like less powerful languages do. VB.NET gives you even more flexibility by even allowing you to perform calculations. Check this out: Dim a, b, c As Double a 1 : b 0 c a / b c c 1 Infinity plus 1 is still infinity To remain mathematically correct, VB.NET gives you the answer NaN (Not a Number) for some calculations such as 0 / 0. Dim a, b, c As Double a 0 : b 0 c a / b Console.WriteLine( _ The answer is: _ c) Displays: The answer is: NaN VB.NET can also tell the difference between positive infinity and negative infinity: Dim a1, a2, b, c As Double a1 1 : a2 -1 : b 0 If (a1 / b) (a2 / b) Then _ Console.WriteLine( _ Postive infinity is _ vbCrLf _ greater than _ vbCrLf _ negative infinity.) In addition to PositiveInfinity and NegativeInfinity, VB.NET also provides Epsilon, the smallest positive Double value greater than zero. Keep in mind that all of these new capabilities of VB.NET are only available with floating point (Double or Single) data types. And this flexibility can lead to some Try-Catch-Finally (structured error handling) confusion. For example, the .NET code above runs without throwing any kind of exception, so coding it inside a Try-Catch-Finally block wont help. To test for a divide by zero, you would have to code a test something like: If c.ToString Infinity Then ... Even if you code the program (using Integer instead of Single or Double types), you still get an Overflow Exception, not a Divide by Zero exception. If you search the web for other technical help, you will notice that the examples all test for OverflowException. .NET actually has the DivideByZeroException as a legitimate type. But if the code never triggers the exception, when will you ever see this elusive error? When You'll See DivideByZeroException As it turns out, Microsofts MSDN page about Try-Catch-Finally blocks actually uses a divide by zero examples to illustrate how to code them. But theres a subtle catch that they dont explain. Their code looks like this: Dim a As Integer 0 Dim b As Integer 0 Dim c As Integer 0 Try    a b \ c Catch exc As Exception    Console.WriteLine(A run-time error occurred) Finally    Console.ReadLine() End Try This code does trigger an actual divide by zero exception. But why does this code trigger the exception and nothing weve coded before does? And what is Microsoft not explaining? Notice that the operation they use is not divide (/), its integer divide (\)! (Other Microsoft examples actually declare the variables as Integer.) As it turns out, integer calculation is the only case that actually throws that exception. It would have been nice if Microsoft (and the other pages that copy their code) explained that little detail.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Assignment2UT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Assignment2UT - Essay Example .. (Sumner & Keller, 1913 p 234) †. This argument is aimed at ensuring the poor do not get any support for social justice against the rich and that wealthy slave owners should be left to continue with oppression since they happen to be strong in the natural sense. As an observer of the Cotton Farmers Alliance, these arguments by Professor Sumner are more than disturbing given the degree of oppression witnessed in Houston that called for cotton pickers strike. The foundation laid by America’s founding fathers demanded justice for all, rich poor, black or white. Speaking against government support for the less fortunate as advanced by Professor Sumner is contrary to the founding principles of the United States. Justice must be done to reduce the growing gap between the poor and rich members of the American society and this can only be done with government protection of the voiceless. Before nature, we are not any better than the wilder beasts and rattle snakes, but then we are not living in the wild as Professor Sumner would like to make us believe, we are human beings with a sense of intelligence living in a civil liberated country that was founded on the platform of justice and freedom for all. These founding principles have the implication that the rights of the ‘wild beasts’ are protected against attacks from ‘lions’ and that as the American ‘lions’ industrialize, the ‘wild beasts’ that are the poor cotton pickers, must be carried along in clear structures that assures them a place in the table of industrial success. The kind of unrest witnessed in the south is a product of years of oppression and to mitigate this, government must come up with clear protection policies which will ensure that the fruits of industrialization are shared by both the cotton pickers and the industrialists as the American society works towards closing the rich-poor gap. Professor Sumner argues in his book: What Social Classes Owe to Each Other; that social programs by the government to help the poor are contrary to nature and robs hard working people of their rightful rewards. He forgets that the alleged hard workers are propelled to success by the poor laborers who toil to make their enterprises successful. It’s an act of fairness to give the laborers a share of their output because no success can be realized if it were not for the efforts of cotton pickers in the south. The economic principle of fair reward is the basis of my support for social programs that will ensure cotton pickers share into the success of industrialization through these programs. Sumner’s ideologies have no place in the American society after my observation of happenings in Houston. Question Two: The Populist Party, 1892 Common problems Addressed by the Populist in Nebraskan and Georgia Key to the issues facing the Populist of Omaha and Georgia are economically traversing issues, which were so dominant in the U.S.A in the late 19th century. Therefore, in the event of such a convention, the two groups would have similar issues to rise on a wider scale. Some of the issues include labor and remuneration, the legal and justice system as well as taxation (Sumner & Keller, 1913). Watson from Georgia speaks of exploitation of the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility and Areas of Impact Assignment
Corporate Social Responsibility and Areas of Impact - Assignment Example It respects cultural differences and finds the business opportunities in building the skills of employees, the community and the government". Other definitions from the same report define CSR as the â€Å"business of giving back to society†In the United States, CSR has been defined more in terms of a philanthropic model in that companies are free to make profits by any means available then donate a certain share of the profits to charitable causes. For the company to receive any benefit from the giving is seen as tainting the act. Interestingly enough the European model is much more focused on operating the core business in a socially responsible way, complemented by investment in communities for solid business case reasons. Social responsibility becomes an integral part of the wealth creation process - which if managed properly should enhance the competitiveness of business and maximize the value of wealth creation to society. For instance, the CSR definition used in the by Business for Social Responsibility is: "Operating a business in a manner that meets or exceeds the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that society has of business. On the other hand, the European Commission hedges its bets with two definitions wrapped into one: "A concept whereby companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment. A concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary. When you review each of these, they broadly agree that the definition now focuses on the impact of how you manage your core business. Some go further than others in prescribing how far companies go beyond managing their own impact into the terrain of acting specifically outside of that focus to make a contribution to the achievement of broader societal goals. It is a key difference when many business leaders feel that their companies are ill-equipped to pursue broader societal goals, and activists argue that companies have no democratic legitimacy to take such roles.
Information Resource Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Information Resource Management - Coursework Example Software engineering (SE) refers to the maintaining and developing software systems that perform reliably as well as efficiently. This paradigm develops systems affordable and easy to maintain, as well as satisfy all the requirements that customers want to see in the developed systems. The SDLC (systems development life cycle) the life cycle of software development is employed in systems engineering and software engineering, which is the procedure for modifying and creating systems, methods, and models. In this scenario software engineering is a concept behind the systems development life cycle for different types of software development techniques. These techniques offer a structure for planning as well as monitoring the development of an information system a. Discuss human-computer interfaces. What was the major change from the DOS operating system to the Windows graphical user interface? What likely changes will occur to interfaces in the future? Will virtual reality be a viable means of interfacing with the computer? The human-computer interface is the study of communication among users and computers. It is frequently known as the intersection of behavioral sciences, computer science, design and numerous other fields of study. Interaction among users and computers happens at the user interface that contains both hardware and software. The DOS-based operating system was operational through the command based user interface that was hard to use and complex to maintain. While the development of Windows-based human-computer interfaces offered the graphical user interface (GUI) based interaction that is more interactive and easy to use. In this scenario, virtual reality offers an enhanced means for interaction with the computer that is a most advanced for the human-computer interfaces.Â
The effect of terrorism since September 11,2001 to the present day on Term Paper
The effect of terrorism since September 11,2001 to the present day on the hospitality industry - Term Paper Example The hospitality industry felt the impacts more than any other sector or industry in the country. The attacks posed long-term repercussions that continue to reflect in hospitality industry. This essay will give scrutiny on the effects felt in the law, economic and tourism sectors. Tourism activities are reported to have decreased majorly owing to the fact that many passengers reduced travels to the USA. This is because when tourists visit the country they rely on the hotels and restaurant for accommodation, food and general upkeep. The image of the nation having been damaged by terrorist attacks caused visitors to fear for their security at the hotels since they are aware they are being targeted by the terrorists. For instance, cities like the USA as well as New York suffered10-27 % decline in revenue with regards to hotel room occupancy (Lin, 7). This was enhanced by media-led concerns about the terrorist attack that was heard all over and received worldwide attention making governments of other nations to givetravel advisory to their citizens. The tourism sector has been damaged by terrorism since even hotels situate at the airports faced economic recession by 20% for fear of terror attacks (Lin, 7). Moreover, the hotel industry has suffered deeply and seve rely from the 9/11 attack. Owing to the fact that hotels are usually one of the main targets of terrorists, this has resulted to decrease in hotel occupancy and average daily rate. Therefore, the hotel industry as pertaining to restaurants, lodging facilities, and guest houses experienced more negative effects as the bookings have greatly reduced (Prideaux 117). This is because the visitors avoid residing in the hotels in fear of terror attacks and hence they prefer remaining at their homes because they fear about their own security and safety. This has caused a significant negative impact on the country’s economy due to reduced revenues from guests’ room facilities. Terrorists
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Argument in Favor of Abortion Legalization Essay - 3
Argument in Favor of Abortion Legalization - Essay Example It should be well understood that mothers have a natural motherly instinct that causes them to have a profound likeness to children, at least their own. Therefore, when they are forced to abort during fetal complication, it should be seen as a last resort. Mothers should not be punished with a risk of death at times of complications because it was their decision to get pregnant at first. Whereas opponents argue that fetal life is sacred and should be spared in such instances, it should be understood that a mother’s life is sacred and more important at such instances. Therefore, abortion should be legal at such instances. More worrying is the fact that mothers are forced to sustain and nurture life against their will at instances of rape and unwanted pregnancies. Fundamentally, we should not be promoting forced motherhood since the same is likely to bring social issues such as juvenile delinquency as a result of failed parenthood. Why should we force someone to support an unplanned family without financial assistance? Those who oppose abortion in such instances should provide a pool of resources for all parenthood caused by forced motherhood, at least they can help financially. Otherwise, abortion seems to be the most rational thing to do under the circumstances. It is worth noting that abortion is not killing since life begins at birth. Ideally, the fetus has not yet developed to a complete human being with free will and perception. This implies that fetus hardly has any moral status (Gaita and Sather 159). Although abortion should not be encouraged due to the associated complications, people should not feel as if they are committing murder since the same does not amount to terminating the life of a freely living being. The fetus is not yet developed and that is why it has to depend on another human being for survival.Â
Attributes of a Culture Formed by the ISIS Assignment
Attributes of a Culture Formed by the ISIS - Assignment Example The religious seminars have been enforced for pharmacists that they have to pay their presence for the importance to being allowed to carry on operating their businesses. In various parts of Iraq, the ISIS has imposed taxes on local people business should pay taxes. Cars entering into the state have to pay tax. Other religions have to pay tax, for instance, the Christians. The ISIS has also imposed sweeping restrictions on personal freedom implying that women must wear the niqab, or face unspecified punishments. Every person under the control of ISIS should always carry a ‘repentance card, which is a paper testifying that a person has ‘repented’ from his or her heretical past. Status of women under ISIS In ISIS, the group has released a manifesto that illustrates the role of women in the jihadist group which say that it is ‘legitimate' for girls to get married to fighters whoa re at nine years and emphasizing their role as wives, homemakers or even mothers. T he ISIS believes that women should be kept at home unless an emergency occurs that requires them to get out of the home. When they leave their homes, they should wear the niqab. Under ISIS, Arab women are encouraged to go to ISIS Islamic countries such as the Iraq and Syrian, where they are asked to live the ‘sedentary’ lifestyle that is guided by the responsibilities in the home, which is considered to be their ‘divinely appointed right’ in line with Shariah as well as the life’s methodology that God ordained it.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Argument in Favor of Abortion Legalization Essay - 3
Argument in Favor of Abortion Legalization - Essay Example It should be well understood that mothers have a natural motherly instinct that causes them to have a profound likeness to children, at least their own. Therefore, when they are forced to abort during fetal complication, it should be seen as a last resort. Mothers should not be punished with a risk of death at times of complications because it was their decision to get pregnant at first. Whereas opponents argue that fetal life is sacred and should be spared in such instances, it should be understood that a mother’s life is sacred and more important at such instances. Therefore, abortion should be legal at such instances. More worrying is the fact that mothers are forced to sustain and nurture life against their will at instances of rape and unwanted pregnancies. Fundamentally, we should not be promoting forced motherhood since the same is likely to bring social issues such as juvenile delinquency as a result of failed parenthood. Why should we force someone to support an unplanned family without financial assistance? Those who oppose abortion in such instances should provide a pool of resources for all parenthood caused by forced motherhood, at least they can help financially. Otherwise, abortion seems to be the most rational thing to do under the circumstances. It is worth noting that abortion is not killing since life begins at birth. Ideally, the fetus has not yet developed to a complete human being with free will and perception. This implies that fetus hardly has any moral status (Gaita and Sather 159). Although abortion should not be encouraged due to the associated complications, people should not feel as if they are committing murder since the same does not amount to terminating the life of a freely living being. The fetus is not yet developed and that is why it has to depend on another human being for survival.Â
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Personal narrative Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Narrative - Personal Statement Example A male doctor approached my bed and gave me a quick examination. That is when reality struck me, the pain I was under was not just from the stitches in my face, but every part of my body was aching. The events that led to the state I was in are still fresh in my mind, even though they doo not haunt me nor make me regret, they act as a stern reminder on the need to follow parental orders and doing things at the right time. Writing down my reflections of that horrific Friday that left me in a vegetative state for a year, I would like to plead with my young colleagues at college and in high school to take control of their lives. The events of that fateful Friday night had been seamlessly planned for a month and my friends, and I, were revved up for a mind-blowing night. The mind-blowing aspect amuses me, as at times I tend to think that it did indubitably happen, but on a lighter note as my mind was almost literally blown off. It was during the beginning of March when my friends I decid ed to plan for a house party at the end of the month to be held at John’s, my classmate, place. His parents would be travelling to the countryside for a week, providing the opportune moment for executing our plans. The house party idea was initially meant to be for twenty friends, but word got round so fast that majority of the teenagers at school wanted to attend. This was supposed to be the usual party held by a group of teenagers, but it had escalated into the party of the year way before it had happened. As the schemers of the idea, we decided to charge selected people who were to attend, and use the amount collected for provision of food and drinks. The idea seemed brilliant as we collected five thousand dollars, a huge sum, considering that a hundred individuals would attend the party. The night for the awaited event finally came and we all decided to grace the occasion in style using our parents’ vehicles. I had actually lied to my parents that I was going to Jo hn’s place to give him some company as we finished on some class work. At the back of my mind, I was impressed that I could lie to my parents with a straight face and get away with it, without the knowledge of the events that were to unfold. I could hardly concentrate on anything, and my mind was poised for the night’s events. The anticipation as it appeared was not a unique thing as people turned up early and all psyched up. We had purchased a lot of alcoholic beverages mixing them up with punch to be drunk during the whole night. It was a deception to think that the party would be a secret affair especially with the alcohol around. I had decided to take it slow on the alcohol and only took small pints at a time not knowing the cumulative effect that it would have by the end of the night. Everyone at the party indulged in the drink with several of my friends passing out at the early stages of the party. Things intensified as the night wore on, and everyone was highly intoxicated to think straight. To spur things up we decided to engage in a random game of â€Å"truth or dare†by spinning a bottle. The game is synonymous with majority of the parties that take place around the country, but the night’s tragedy were a direct result of the game and the alcohol. It was my turn and asked for the option between truth or dare I opted for a dare seemingly courageous enough to do anything asked of me by my challenger. The dare involved me driving with a
Monday, October 14, 2019
Media Is The Most Prevailing Tool Of Communication Media Essay
Media Is The Most Prevailing Tool Of Communication Media Essay What is media and how does it has turned out to be our biggest friend in the world to change our perception about the very world that we live in? There has been a dramatic change as far as media in concerned in Pakistan. It has evolved during a short span of time.  Media is the most prevailing tool of communication and it would be fair to say that it has influenced lives of millions of people in Pakistan. Media anywhere is considered to be a vital tool now and has been associated with people lives whether through radio, television, newspapers, books or magazines. Whatever medium you choose, one cant simply deny the fact that it has been all around us. It serves the purpose of providing the exposure and awareness to its audience in the right manner and on the right time. You dont need to spend a lot of time if you want to be updated about what is going all around us both nationally and internationally. All it takes now is to sit in your home in front of the television and switch through different channels to see all the updates. So it would be fair to say that we are so hooked on getting information through television that it has finally invaded out homes. Where is has given us an opportunity to be updated with awesome invention, it certainly has invaded our minds and changed the patterns of how we use to think. Media these days is used in shaping and molding public opinions in the way these huge multimillion corporations wants. There are times when our media has denied the very rules and regulations it needed to be governed with. On various occasions it has shown us bodies blown to pieces in suicide attacks, blood, honor killing cases, burned faces and God knows what. But the fact of the matter is who decides what to show? There is no doubt that public has every right to know about things happening all around us but sometimes it shows people a lot more than they needed to hear or listen and thus reflects their own opinion and agenda. Television is the most popular medium of communication in Pakistan today.  There was a time when newspapers were all over the place. They were considered to be the most vital and pro efficient tool of communication with the masses. But Over a short period of time it has left behind other modes of communication like newspaper and radio which once enjoyed the complete attention of its audiences. What turned out to be an experimental transmission, finally gained the attention of the whole country and started to gain attention and importance in spreading awareness among masses. The transmission initially started from Lahore but soon spread its infra-structure all across the country. It was the year 1964 when the era of TV transmission in Pakistan finally began. It was only because of people acceptance of the this new medium of spreading information and awareness, that what started with a black and white transmission ,turned into a full-grown  colored transmission in the year 1976. It was huge break down in the as far as the technology was concerned that took the shape of the media that we see now our television screens. Television is one medium that surely has matured over a large period of time. Back in the 70s there was only channel that the whole country could watch and learn from. It was only Pakistan Television (PTV), a single state owned channel which was most popular back in those day. The whole country use to look upon it for political, social and cultural news. However , it was the era of non-other  than our ex-President of Pakistan General (rtd)  Pervez Musharraf when privately owned channels came into being and completely changed the whole scenario of how television use to operate in our country. Now we have more than 70 privately owned channels, each with their own agenda and purpose. This revolution paved a new era for the technical enhancement in the television industry and gave freedom to press as well as to media which governs according to the rules of PEMRA. Globalization Although, everything that has a beginning has it end but with the increased awareness and demand of the public the revolution of television channels in Pakistan paved a path for globalization. People are exposed to a multi-dimensional medium where news isnt just coming from around them but from all across the globe now.  Masses have collaborated together when it comes to economies; cultures, social and living patterns and most importantly trade. The bond between different countries have resulted in a collaboration of news that flows from one part of the world and reaching at the other corner. Due to globalization now people all over the world are connected and interlinked with each other. For example there are various content and news agencies that provides news ranging from finance, fashion, culture and heritage and many more that binds countries together. Flow of information is quicker and easy to access. Goods being produced in other countries are now easily available in any place of the world. International news as it happens and deeply analyzed information is available 24/7 and there is hardly any chance that news is broke without proper research so nothing gets overlooked. Globalization has made international travelling much more quickly. All you need is a television and remote in your hand and you can virtually see anything that goes around the globe. Countries have collaborated together to bring news to all parts of the world and the best part is, its all just a button away. Therefore business doing internationally is no more a problem. You can trade with international companies and therefore bring in foreign exchange to your country that eventually helps third world countries such as Pakistan. Globalization has posh the scenario of Pakistans TV immensely. Now with the accessibility privately owned channels, people are not just attentive of whats going in there cities but can simply contact information regarding anything they want through different provincial channels as well. Whether it is southern or northern countries everything is just a click away. All the Information is available on our screens. There are a number of channels in different languages like English .Sindhi, Punjabi, Arabic, etc. They are provided by our local cables as more and more spectators are now living abroad and as a result their needs should be accommodated. Globalization has not just given us a tool to stay connected to the world but also to learn and make suitable changes in the thinking and living pattern of the world that we experience all around is. With globalization you can communicate with each other irrespective of the time, area and language. You dont need to wait for countless hours to get yourself updated on any issue or matter that might interest you or holds a great importance in your life. Desperate time demands desperate measures. So as a result everything has been made so much easier. Nothing is impossible now. Audiences can view whatever they want to and give out their opinions and ideas as well. Globalization is playing a great role in creating public opinion as well. The public can now go through all the information, facts and figures available and then reach up to their conclusions. Now their thinking is not just bound to one country. They have the entire world in their hands. The audiences have become wiser now. Thanks to globalization people now know what they want and what is right for them. They are much more aware of their rights now and how they deserve to be treated. Now the number of audiences has increased not just with in the country but all over the world as globalization has allowed our local channels to be run on international TVs.             By watching international media our local public has also learnt a lot from globalization. They are made aware regarding the life style of the people all over the world. To achieve such standards they have to have good education. Thus field of education has been affected in a positive way. More and more people are now made aware of the need of the education and knowledge. This is done by showing them that they can achieve a better life style by getting good education and then later better jobs. Technical changes in Television According to a research done by a master students last year and as a result of the research conducted between students of various universities and colleges , it can be concluded that in the last 5 years TV has gone through a number of changes. Not just technical but cultural as well. With the passage of time now and more developed technology has been introduced to enhance this mode of communication. For instance with the use of internet and satellites the flow of information has been increased and you can get to know what ever is happening around the world with just a click. Cable TV has been the greatest invention in the last past 5 years. Cable TV took over the concept of buying dish antennas and expensive decoders in order to watch international channels which also required huge amount of subscriptions. Due to this development in television every one of us can now watch international channels without paying for any subscriptions it has not just increased the viewership but also we could see a great boost in the accessibility of foreign channels. Now more than 100 channels are available to watch from all over the world. Most of the new private channels are using latest technology in order to stay ahead in the market. Now we are using modernized equipments and more enhanced software which give better presentation of the programs. The change is not only visible in the cameras and microphones and software but their handling as well. Now better way of shooting, capturing and editing have been introduced which make the programs and TV shows much more appealing to the audiences. Pakistans channels are now available in foreign countries as well. This is with the help of the satellite TV. This helps in making Pakistanis living abroad aware about whatever is happening in their country. This way they can also be in contact with their culture and religion of their roots. Another latest innovation is the running of the shows live on the TV. The coverage is done live with the help of the latest technology. For example a very famous morning show runs on ARY Digital and Hum TV every day. Not just that now more and more channels have emerged that started transmitting Chefs making various continental and intercontinental dishes and desserts on TV channels like Zaiqa TV. There the host receives live phone calls from the viewers as well. Live shows are not just run with in the boundary of the country but also from other foreign locations like GEOs morning show. In this show the host comes live from Dubai and deals with the callers from Pakistan. Many soaps and dramas are also shot at locations out of the country. This has been possible only with the help of latest technology. Its not just the locations which have been modernized but the sets, designs and the props of these shows have been transformed as well. Sets are made in such a way that they could be broken down and redesigned in just a few hours to make another set for another show. They are more flexible as well as enhanced. Due to this improved technology in the industry people have been provided with a vast variety of channels and even a larger variety of TV programs. Cable TV plays an immense role in this situation because of its accessibility and availability to the most of the population of the Pakistan as it is also cheaper and everyone can easily afford to get a connection. Cultural changes in Television Where everyone has accepted the new trends and technology in their favorite medium they have also criticized the changes being brought by it in our culture as well as society. Cable TV has faced a lot of criticism as it is considered the most important source of foreign content in TV. The critics say that due to this innovation western culture has taken over our norms and values. Unfortunately with this progress cultural invasion is taking place. Especially in our society, most of the population is uneducated and therefore can be easily influenced. What is shown on our television channels is quite appalling. Indian soaps which portray the Indian culture and customs are run on our TVs day and night. As a result people especially women are taking up their way of living as well as dressing up.             Due to such exposure a society faces setbacks which prove to be detrimental. Other cultures should be shown on the television and should be talked about but in a way that they do not take over our own societys culture. There has to be a line drawn because a society can only progress when its people are aware of their own system and traditions. There is no point in having more information about other cultures than your own culture; which gives you your separate identity in the world.             The western media has also done a similar job in controlling ones society. In fact in the case of Pakistan it has played a colossal role in destroying the countrys image. After the Iraq war their perspectives have changed. They believe that Muslims are terrorists and as Pakistan is a Muslim country, international media has to point its finger there. It has not let go any opportunity to declare Pakistan a terrorist country directly or indirectly. Showing images and running news which have adverse effects on the countrys name has been done millions of times. Due to such reasons Pakistanis not only in the country but all over the world have to face a number of difficulties, which is quite saddening because we are blamed for the wrongdoings of others.             The international media is no doubt quite influential and this is the reason that instead of being biased it should be more neutral and impartial in such situations where there is the name and image of a country is at stake.                         As the popularity of foreign shows is more than our local shows Pakistani producers have also started making shows which are more westernized and contain lesser reflection our culture and society. For instance, Pakistan Sangeet Icon a Pakistani show by Indus TV Network was a ditto copy of American Idol. People aspiring to be a singer were selected from all over the country just like the way its done in American Idol. It did receive a lot of praise but not as much as American or even Indian Idol. It is so because singing is still accepted as a part of our culture by the society as its forbidden in our religion.             Then there are local soaps and dramas which are also influenced by Indian culture. Women are more glamourized and made up and portrayed much more bold and outgoing. This is unacceptable again in our society because women are supposed to be modest and homely and a working woman is still considered inappropriate in our society. Its not just their characters but the way they are dressed up as well. They are wearing saris and jeans and heavy make-up and cosmetics.             Whether the society likes it or not, however, women have loved this new portrayal of women. The way they dress up has changed and so the way they think. They are now working in the same fields as men do. The time of modest and homely women has gone and now they are much more aware of their rights and liberties.             Another very valid point is the exposure given to homosexuality. If we look past the gone five years we can see that talking about such a topic openly on a national TV would have been impossible. But now its been discussed everywhere on every channel. They are not just discussing them but also they are being shown in TV soaps and dramas. Jhanjaal Pura was a drama serial which faced a lot of criticism 10 years back when it was run on PTV. But now thats not the case. A very famous late night show on Aaj TV Begum Nawazish Ali is a great example where the host is a homosexual and he invites celebrities for interviews. Topics like rapes, menstrual cycles, child birth, and infertility are openly discussed on our local channels. This is due to the awareness and exposure created by the international media. Theories: Media and Globalization Modernization theory Modernization theory sums up the transformation of social lives. It looks into the details of the countrys facts and figures and explains that a change can be brought about in a conventional country with the help of a modern country. Most of the emphasis is on the change and the way the change should be brought about. The response to change is also very important in modernization theory. This response could be by adapting new technologies, way of living, trade, etc.             If Pakistan tries to get help from developed countries it can surely prosper. Aid from the US, IMF and World Bank always proves to be helpful in order to develop and reach a level where each and every citizen of the country can live a good standard life. For instance Chinas offer to help in our energy crisis can surely help in the betterment of the country. Pakistan has been facing energy crisis since the past few years but still they did not take Chinas offer and tried to solve the issue themselves. New innovative technology is being introduced in the fields of information. Television for instance is now using satellites to communication with other countries. Internet, fiber optics are also now available which can help in keeping in touch with the developed world. However one should not get so much used to all the aid that they become dependent on the other country. It is important to work with in the country and try to figure out what can we do ourselves in order to achieve higher goals. Cultural Imperialism             Foreign satellite entertainment programs have drastically impacted our media cultural products including different categories of programs such as film, drama, music, fashion and film award shows. Cable TV network in our country is giving undue projection to foreign films based on taboo themes, obscene shorts, erotic and intrigued stories without any reciprocity at parallel level. Similarly Pakistani independent drama channels are presenting Indian drama productions which are undermining our drama industry. Our independent drama channels are not only confined to the display of Indian productions but also imitating and following Indians drama format which is not in harmony with our culture, norms and traditions. Fashion impulses originate from foreign channels and are followed blindly by our fashion industry as the fashion Pakistan fluctuates with Indian western fashions. In the field of music Pakistani channels are copying Indian music shows in which boys and girls sing and dance together. Pakistani media channels also arrange to show the frequently held Indian film festivals shows and present their actors and actresses as icons idols for our media industry. The co-productions have changed the face of today media industry. .Our independent media channels are not confined to the combine productions, they have taken the rights from (PEMRA) Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority to broadcast pure Indian productions from their own channels due to which the Pakistani viewers can hardly judge whether it is Pakistani channel or an Indian channel. Thus our media channels being influenced form foreign Indian channels serve as the trendsetter for our Pakistani viewers and society. When the viewers observe that our media is absorbing the change whether it is in the form of dresses, Jewelry, language or other cultural values such as male actors hugging and handshaking with female actresses then the viewers are easily persuaded to adopt these changes or at least they become mentally liberal which is an initial step towards change. Pakistani viewers whole life style is being eclipsed by foreign media. Cable TV channels have become the source from which the young viewers get the inspiration about new trends, fashion and dresses. In a way our language and literature are being adversely affected by the onslaught of foreign channels. So our youth is overawed with English language. People resort to ostentatious and lavish way of living. They love to dine out at expensive hotels and western food chains along with celebration of unnecessary events and festivals which in turn invokes the class consciousness in the society. Conclusion             There is absolutely no doubt that Pakistan is an underdeveloped country as has yet to see the modern era that the other countries of the world are experiencing. However, through media which is the most powerful weapon when it comes to opinion shaping, should be used for the betterment of the people of Pakistan. Although there has been a lot of money poured in to achieve that status but that is just to increase the quality of transmission. There is no harm to that but the fact of the matter is that we need to educate the viewers and shape their opinions not for the betterment of their own lives but for the betterment of Pakistan as well. We have to see what perception we are giving to the world about a country whose media got freedom few years back. We are still in the making of becoming a responsible media. And if we want to compete with the rest of the world we need to make few choices that might sound and feel a little odd for the cur rent viewers but in the long term, it will help them to be a better and responsible citizen of Pakistan. Pakistani media needs to set priorities and the media controlling authority needs to play and important part in performing the task to make sure that all the privately owned channels controlled by cable operators abide by PEMRA rules. We need to introduce more channels that reflects positive image of Pakistan in front of the world so that more economy and wealth can be obtained through tourism and other prospect fields present in Pakistan. We need to collaborate with other international channels to promote healthy education. Since, it is an era or modernization; we need more channels for education like Virtual University offering online educations. There should be more debate on the TV channels where instead of fashion and cooking, we find ways to minimize the potential risks posing our nation that will have far more devastative effects on our culture, society, religion and Pakistan as whole that includes
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
The bodily cells that one is born with are not solely responsible for the defense mechanisms and growth of an individual. Rather, shortly after being born our bodies begin to acquire a large variety of microorganisms that are responsible for many of the functions that allow life to occur. This community of mixed foreign microbial cells and all of their specific genes is known as a microbiome. Every individual contains their own unique microbiome as a result of their own unique exposures. This variation among the human population has allowed researchers to better understand health situations of different individuals. It is only with technological advances that allow scientists to scratch the surface of the significances of the microbial world. Furthermore, these advances have allowed us to identify species by matching them to their genes and even quantify the number of bacterial genes in the body. A group of European scientists found that there were 3.3 million bacterial genes in the human digestive track, over 150 times more than the amount of genes found in the entire human ge...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Unidentified Flying Objects: Fact or Fiction? :: essays papers
Unidentified Flying Objects: Fact or Fiction? Unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, as they're fondly called, are one of the century's most intriguing and controversial mysteries. Since ancient times, UFOs of all types have been accounted for. More today than ever, hundreds of thinkers, theologians, and scientists have tried to answer why there are or whether there aren't UFOs. According to some, the speculation that UFOs are alien spacecrafts from another world is an absurd and foolish proposal. Others vehemently disagree and assert that extraterrestrial life is not only possible, but such life forms may be superior, technologically advanced beings who visit our Earth regularly. Are these "flying saucers" a figment of our imagination? Or, are they a genuine reality we prefer to dismiss because we fear the scary truth that we are not the only master race? Are we hesitant because society dubs such "immature" psycho tantamount to subscribing to belief in ghosts? These are a few of the many pertinent UFO questions the mature individual must address. One of the most popular theories that support and explains the existence of alien beings is the ancient astronaut theory. This theory contains three main schools of thought. The first states that aliens bred with our primitive forebears thereby creating modern man. The second is quite similar. Aliens performed genetic engineering on apes thereby creating the Homo Sapiens and man's intelligence. The third, and least accepted, is that colonists from another galaxy came to Earth, mated with the primitives and established a high level of culture, before being destroyed by some natural catastrophe. And upon this catastrophe and destruction, we build and grow (Fitzgerald 1). Berossus, a Babylonian scholar, may have been the first astronaut historian. He said that " animals endowed with reason" bestowed the Sumerian culture before 3000 BCE. The Sumerians, along with their cultural inheritors, the Babylonians, never referred to such beings as gods. Rather they were depicted as "disgusting abominations," a description only deserved by uninvited alien visitors (2). One step further takes the astronaut theory and surmises that with it, we can understand the later religious cultures, such as the Hebrews who are thought to have borrowed much of Sumerian practice. Such religions and secret societies, with their elaborate and complicated rituals may actually be "preserving from a previous epoch fragments of an esoteric and little understood knowledge, just as the Egyptian, Hebrew, and Mayan priests guarded in their temples the inspired word of their self-possessed creators (3)." Alien originators may have set down certain
Friday, October 11, 2019
Five Management Functions in the Army
Every successful organization uses the five management functions; but not many can compare with the United States Armed Forces. I am currently serving in the U. S. Army and this organization has effectively applied the five management functions, because its existence depends on those five functions. They Army is constantly engaging in the five management functions; their operations are well led, organized, carefully planned, staffed, and constantly evaluated. I do not believe there is any organization other than the military where you would see these five functions linking so well coordinated.â€Å"Planning is a systematic process in which managers make decisions about future activities and the key goals that the organization will pursue. The necessity of careful environmental scanning has an immediate impact on planning processes†(Reilly, Minnick, and Baack, 2011, sec. 7. 2). Making plans for future activities is one of the Army’s key functions; without planning its s ubordinate commands would deteriorate and lose focus on mission objectives and the quality of work.In the Army, we use the Eight-Step Training Model; for which planning always starts out backwards by starting with the objective and working its way back to day zero. The planning is then broken down into three phases; long term, short-term and near term depending on the size of the organization or unit. I find the planning phase in the Army to be very effective because it is important for employees or soldiers to know what needs to happen in the days ahead. â€Å"The design methodology provides a means of approximating complex problems that allows for meaningful action†(Grigsby, 2011, p. 30).Proper use of planning in the Army keeps the employees motivated and goal oriented. When planning in the Army goes wrong, you have Soldiers sitting around waiting on orders, people go unaccounted for, and will eventually negatively affect the other four management functions. Leadership is one of the key elements of the Army; in fact, it is one of its core values. Without the function of leading, the military would have no effect. The Army depends on leadership to be able to effectively organize, staff, plan, and control in order to have a productive work environment.â€Å"Leading in a business context, consists of all activities undertaken to help people achieve the highest level of performance†(Reilly, Minnick, and Baack, 2011, sec. 7. 2). In the Army everyone is a leader to a certain extend because we all have the same goal. We are taught that â€Å"leadership is having the ability to influence people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization†; when asked â€Å"What is leadership? †that will be the answer you will get from every Soldier (Department of the Army, 2006).The Army, like other military services, is unique for leader development for two reasons; one is because the system is made so that you either move up in rank or get out; in other words if you fail to get promoted after a certain amount time then it is time for you to get out. In civilian organizations, employees can attain a certain level and remain that level until retirement. Second reason for its uniqueness in leadership is that they do not hire leaders outside of their organization; instead, senior level positions become filled by the individuals that are able to achieve promotion within the same organization (Fallesen, 2011).â€Å"Organizing is the process of bringing people and resources together to create products and services in an efficient and effective manner†(Reilly, Minnick, and Baack, 2011, sec. 7. 2). In order for the Army to work, it requires a lot of organization; this is because there are so many different components that are required in order to make it operational and self-sufficient. Due to the size of the Army and any other military components; i t is important to departmentalize different parts of it but essentially these parts have to be able to complement each other and work together to achieve mission success.Take a deployment for example; when the Army deploys, it deploys several different units. These units have different tasks that will allow the entire organization to function as a whole; this means that if an infantry unit is due to deploy it will not deploy by itself, several different units will deploy to support the main objective. In other words, one part of the organization is tasked with the mission; the other portions of the organization will provide support such as transportation, resources, administrative support, etc.In order to make this happen, these organizations must train together in order to know how each of their functional bodies fit into each other’s mission. It is almost like pieces to a puzzle watching different parts of the Army work together; even if they have never worked together or t rained together, these organizations are able to fall in sync and make it happen. Using the management function of organization in the Army requires strong leadership and careful planning because if not properly executed the end results could be catastrophic and the loss unmentionable.The Army is a unique organization that values history and tradition, in order to preserve its heritage the Army has many different criteria that individuals must meet or exceed. It is important for military leadership to choose the right individuals to join their ranks because these will be their future leaders; for this reason, staffing is a very important management function. â€Å"Staffing shares the human element with leading. Staffing involves choosing the right people.Leading includes enticing the highest levels of performance from those people†(Reilly, Minnick, and Baack, 2011, sec. 7. 2). Whether it is a time of war or peace, the Army’s recruiting mission is probably one of the h ardest and most demanding jobs. Recruiters are trained to select and train new Soldiers prior to shipping them off to Basic Training. To become a recruiter one must have exceptional leadership capabilities and it means that one must be willing and able to sacrifice a lot of personal and family time.Recruiters are the sales-people of the Army, they must spend time with new recruits, influencing them and teaching them the core values of the organization. It takes a lot of commitment, because new recruits are not obligated to anything until they actually sign their contract the day they ship off Basic Training. At the same time, this gives recruiters the insight they need to determine if an individual belongs in the Army or not. As my previous leaders have often said, â€Å"You chose the Army, it did not choose you†.It takes a certain type of individual to join the service, not everyone is made for the military. Aside from recruiting goals, the Army also has retention goals in o rder to maintain a certain level of strength in the military. Prior deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, the military’s retention goals and recruitment goals went up in order to satisfy the demand for troops overseas and troops to replace the ones overseas. It shaped and evolved the organization in order to meet these demands; it also required changes in its structure, resources, and planning.Because of the Army’s staffing needs during two simultaneous wars, we saw changes like rescinding the â€Å"Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy†and the opening of combat roles for women in the military. â€Å"Controlling has one element in common with staffing. Both are involved in the performance appraisal process for individual employees. Standards link controlling and planning. Further, controlling begins the process of creating the next set of plans†(Reilly, Minnick, and Baack, 2011, sec. 7. 2).The Army takes feedback seriously, for this reason they have implemented many different ways to gather information that will allow the organization to improve in every aspect. The Army does well at rewarding good performance and by doing so it gives Soldiers the inspiration they need to attain such rewards. Performance is evaluated in a matter that it provides its employees the feedback they need to improve in the areas identified and a way to help the Army identify anyone that does not need to be promoted to a leadership position.Another way the Army applies the control function is by using After Action Reviews, in which it collects information following every training exercise in order to make improvements and identify areas to sustain. After action reviews all allow Soldiers to identify areas that their leaders need to improve on, such as conduct or performance during the training exercises; in the civilian world it is usually referred as constructive criticism (Rakow, 2005). By using these evaluative tools, the Army is able to create flex ible leaders that are able to adapt and perform under any given circumstance.The five management functions are very effective and very necessary in the military. The Army and any other military branch are prime examples of how these functions are linked to one another and perfectly explain why one function cannot exist without the others. The success of the Army revolves around their effectiveness in applying these functions into their everyday operations; it allows them to operate smoothly, allocate the proper resources, groom its employees in to leaders, identify areas of improvement, and carefully plan and organize future training events and contingencies.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
A Sad Love Story
A sad Love Story.. A boy proposed his girlfriend for marriage, Girl: Tell me.. Who do you love most in this world? Boy: You, of course ! Girl: What am I to you? Boy: The boy thought for a moment and looked intently in her eyes and said â€Å"u r missing part of my heart †She smiled, and she accepted his proposal. ::  ¦ ::  ¦ : :  ¦ ::  ¦ ::  ¦ ::  ¦ After their wedding , the couple had a sweet and happy life for a while . However ,the youthful couple began to drift apart due to the busy schedule of life and the never-ending worries of aily problems and soon after their life became difficult . ::  ¦ ::  ¦ : :  ¦ ::  ¦ ::  ¦ ::  ¦ ::  ¦::  ¦ : : All the challenges posed by the harsh realities of life began to drift away their dreams and love for each other . .. The couple began to have more quarrels and each quarrel became make their relation more worst. One day , after the quarrel , the girl ran out of the house.. ..At the opposite side of the road , she shouted,†You don' t love me †¦ !†The boy hated her childishness and out of impulse, said ,†May be, it was a mistake for us to e together ..! You were never da missing part of my  ¦ †¦ !†Suddenly, she turned quiet and stood there for a long while .. .. He regretted what he said but wordsspoken cant be taken back. With tears in her eyes, she went home to pack her things and Before leaving the house,she left a note for him: â€Å"If I ‘m really not da missing part of ur  ¦, let me go.. n search for sum 1 whu is. .. It is less painful thisway†¦ let us go on our separate ways and search for our own partners .. .†::  ¦ ::  ¦ : :  ¦ ::  ¦ ::  ¦ ::  ¦ ::  ¦::  ¦ : : Five years went by. .. He never remarried but he had tried to find out about her life indirectly .. †¦ . She had left the country and was living her dreams. He use to regret on what he did but never tried to bring her back. . In the dark and l onely night , he lit his cigarette and felt the lingering ache in his heart. He couldn' t bring himself to admit that he was missing her . †¦. One day , they finally met†¦ . At the airport , He was going away on a business trip . He saw her, She was standing there alone, with just the security door separating them.She smiled at him gently . Boy: How are you ? Girl: I' m fine. How about you.. . Have you found your heart ‘ s missing part.. .? Boy: No . Girl: I' ll be flying to New York in the next flight . Boy: I ‘ll be back in 2 weeks time . Give me a call when you are back †¦ You know my number †¦ . Nothing has changed . With a smile , she turned around and waved good- bye .. â€Å"Good-bye . . . †Same evening he heard of a plane crash which was headed to New York . He tried to know about her and found that,She died . Midnight. †¦ Once again , he lit his cigarette. †¦ . And like before, he felt the lingering ache in his heart. †¦ He finally knew , she was that missing part that he had carelessly broken . . . Sometimes, people say things out of moments of fury†¦ .. We take outour 99% frustrations at our loved ones. †¦ And even though we knowthat we ought to†think twice and act wisely†, we actually dont do it. Things happen each day , many of which are beyond our control . Try not to hurt ur loved once, bcz amoment of anger cud b a lifetym punishment †¦ u
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