Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Skills for life Essays
Skills for life Essays Skills for life Essay Skills for life Essay But we fail to tell them our attributes and qualities, which re Just as important as our skills; education; experience; accreditation; and values. According to McPherson in his article The top 5 qualities you need to advance your career, after many surveys asking what employers look for in model employees, attributes are frequently first mentioned- not skill But rather person attributes and qualities (page 1) . He also lists the five attributes needed to advance in your career. I believe that you can use all five for life as well as school. Especially having interpersonal, flexible, and self-motivation skills. In life; college; and career you will always need to know how to deal with and work with people, deal with changes and be able to take constructive criticism as well as look for self-improvement. As I stated previously, I think all five skills are important in every aspect of life. My strongest attribute is being inquisitive and being a strategic thinker. I tend to ask a lot of questions and at times I can get on my family and friends nerves because I have a question about everything. I believe to every problem there is more than one elution and that one should think and analyze each solution before they finalize their answer. I tend to think out-side-of-the-box and over analyze everything. For example, anytime my fiance © and talk about going on a trip, we always get into a discussion about whether or not it is feasible to our budget. He is more of the take chances type of person, where I am the think of the future. I am very open minded and optimistic. I think this is a great strength because I can bring new ideas to a company. Another strength I have would be that I am self- motivated. I want the best for my true as well as my children future. When I want something, I will go to great measures to make sure I get it. My goals, kids, and pride are the reason I am so self- motivated And because I am my biggest critic, I do not accept failure. My biggest weakness is interpersonal skill. As much as I like to talk, I am not a people person. I can meet new people and get along with anyone, I am also friendly, but I do not really look for new friends or really deal well with people. I am more of a loner, which is ironic because I work in the medical field as an office assistant. This particular skill will definitely need to be developed, especially being a criminal Justice major focusing on social work. In order for me to be successful as a social worker, I would need to use all five skills. But the most important skill I would need in the criminal Justice field is interpersonal skills. In law enforcement, you have to deal with many people- all with different backgrounds, and attitudes. You cannot be distant or brush them off; you prepared based off of the skill that I am weak in. I think that this is a major skill and ill make or break me in my career and will keep me from advancing in my career. I also think that with practice and effort, that by the time I finish my time at this school I will be prepared for my career. I have realized a lot by writing this paper. One thing is that employers are looking for more than Just the average person. They are looking for a person whose attribute are Just as good as their resume. I also now realized how important these attributes are not only on the Job but in life as well. Having these 5 skills will help anyone be successful.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Determining Outliers in Statistics
Determining Outliers in Statistics Outliers are data values that differ greatly from the majority of a set of data. These values fall outside of an overall trend that is present in the data. A careful examination of a set of data to look for outliers causes some difficulty. Although it is easy to see, possibly by use of a stemplot, that some values differ from the rest of the data, how much different does the value have to be to be considered an outlier? We will look at a specific measurement that will give us an objective standard of what constitutes an outlier. Interquartile Range The interquartile range is what we can use to determine if an extreme value is indeed an outlier. The interquartile range is based upon part of the five-number summary of a data set, namely the first quartile and the third quartile. The calculation of the interquartile range involves a single arithmetic operation. All that we have to do to find the interquartile range is to subtract the first quartile from the third quartile. The resulting difference tells us how spread out the middle half of our data is. Determining Outliers Multiplying the interquartile range (IQR) by 1.5 will give us a way to determine whether a certain value is an outlier. If we subtract 1.5 x IQR from the first quartile, any data values that are less than this number are considered outliers. Similarly, if we add 1.5 x IQR to the third quartile, any data values that are greater than this number are considered outliers. Strong Outliers Some outliers show extreme deviation from the rest of a data set. In these cases we can take the steps from above, changing only the number that we multiply the IQR by, and define a certain type of outlier. If we subtract 3.0 x IQR from the first quartile, any point that is below this number is called a strong outlier. In the same way, the addition of 3.0 x IQR to the third quartile allows us to define strong outliers by looking at points which are greater than this number. Weak Outliers Besides strong outliers, there is another category for outliers. If a data value is an outlier, but not a strong outlier, then we say that the value is a weak outlier. We will look at these concepts by exploring a few examples. Example 1 First, suppose that we have the data set {1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 9}. The number 9 certainly looks like it could be an outlier. It is much greater than any other value from the rest of the set. To objectively determine if 9 is an outlier, we use the above methods. The first quartile is 2 and the third quartile is 5, which means that the interquartile range is 3. We multiply the interquartile range by 1.5, obtaining 4.5, and then add this number to the third quartile. The result, 9.5, is greater than any of our data values. Therefore there are no outliers. Example 2 Now we look at the same data set as before, with the exception that the largest value is 10 rather than 9: {1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 10}. The first quartile, third quartile, and interquartile range are identical to example 1. When we add 1.5 x IQR 4.5 to the third quartile, the sum is 9.5. Since 10 is greater than 9.5 it is considered an outlier. Is 10 a strong or weak outlier? For this, we need to look at 3 x IQR 9. When we add 9 to the third quartile, we end up with a sum of 14. Since 10 is not greater than 14, it is not a strong outlier. Thus we conclude that 10 is a weak outlier. Reasons for Identifying Outliers We always need to be on the lookout for outliers. Sometimes they are caused by an error. Other times outliers indicate the presence of a previously unknown phenomenon. Another reason that we need to be diligent about checking for outliers is because of all the descriptive statistics that are sensitive to outliers. The mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient for paired data are just a few of these types of statistics.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Neurotransmitters and Their Relation to Intelligence Essay
Neurotransmitters and Their Relation to Intelligence - Essay Example Wechsler (1944) sets the more widely accepted definition, as he describes intelligence as "the aggregate or global capacity of an individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment". From a neurological perspective, the anatomical localization of the neurological processes that give rise to intelligence is generally considered to be the Wernicke's area, located in the superior temporal gyrus, an area of the brain not only related to language and speech, but also to logical and abstract thought. This was determined by research done on patients that have lost their higher intellectual functions when their Wernicke's area. Guyton claims that the prefrontal association area is also associated with intelligence, but not to a great extent. Neurotransmitters in essence represent chemical messengers of the neural circuits and pathways, and in combination with the synapses, represent the physiological method of communication between neurons. In the synapses, the neurotransmitter is released from a pre-synaptic neuron and bonds with receptors on the post-synaptic neuron. It should be noted that there are many types of neurotransmitters, each found in specific areas of the nervous system and therefore, each has a specific action.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Macroeconomic Outlook for Oil Prices Owing to Unrest in the Middle Essay
Macroeconomic Outlook for Oil Prices Owing to Unrest in the Middle East - Essay Example So if for example, we choose to use oil as source of energy instead of thermal or wind, we are trading off thermal or wind for oil as source of energy. Economics is also about cost and benefit analysis. This is because when we try to solve our economic problems and make choices, we look at it through economic perspective by comparing the costs and benefits of our choices. By using oil for energy source means that its costs and benefits are favorable over the other alternatives, thermal and wind sources. B. Market, Demand and Supply Just like any good in the market, oil demand and supply are affected by several factors in the market. Any change in its demand and supply will affect its price and its impact will be felt by the whole economy as well. 1. Market Market is simply a mechanism or arrangement which brings buyers or demanders and sellers or suppliers of a good or service into contact with one another (McConnell and Brue 2002, 49). In this article, we will be analyzing the oil m arket, meaning the mechanism or arrangement where the exchange happens between the buyers and sellers of oil. Buyers or demanders are the ones who are willing and able to exchange their money for oil. On the other hand, sellers or suppliers are those who are willing and able to exchange their product which is oil for money. 2.Demand The report cited that the EIA forecasted demand for oil is usually in the middle of OPEC and EIA demand outlooks. Demand refers to the quantities of a specific good or service that people are willing to purchase at any given price during a specified time period, given other things being constant (Miller 2004, 99). When taken singly, it is referred to as the... This essay presents a comprehensive analysis of the factors, determining the oil price and its volumes of deliveries against the background of worsening political situation in the Middle East. Market is simply a mechanism or arrangement which brings buyers or demanders and sellers or suppliers of a good or service into contact with one another. Demand refers to the quantities of a specific good or service that people are willing to purchase at any given price during a specified time period, given other things being constant. Supply is the amount of a particular good or service a seller or supplier is willing and able to produce and make available for sale at specific price and time. The total of all the supply available in a market will be the market supply Prices affect market demand and supply but there are other factors present in the market that can cause changes and can determine market demand and supply. The surplus in oil stocks was forecasted because the demand is at slower rate than the production. So, if the oil suppliers will continue producing oil at the same rate as before, they will be producing more than what the oil demanders are willing to buy from them. This situation will result to a surplus of oil in the market. To at least decrease the amount of surplus and bring the production near to equilibrium, OPEC members agreed to cut their supply by setting output quotas. The expectations about the future economic condition cause consumers to cut their spendings.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Programming software can be good for children Essay Example for Free
Programming software can be good for children Essay Programming software can be good for children with the correct guidance. Antonio Garcia Vicente at only six years old entered to the young programmers club of Valladolid University to learn how to create video games with the computer and mobile devices. He created his first video game at seven years old to help his classmate to improve their understanding of the classes. Maria Vicente, his mother, and software engineer explain that children, computers and mobile devices are meant to be misunderstood. \Children are capable of doing more things with computers and mobile devices but the elders believe that everything is very delicate, and it is, but children have more imagination and they are not afraid to try things.\ (Tosas, 2016). Due to the fact, there is evidence showing that using computers and mobile devices could be harmful to children who are 4-6 years old, the parents and educational institutions can teach the children how to use properly it, can improve their growth. Opponents said that children who are exposed more than ever to computers and mobile screens are more prone to addiction and depression. Even though specialists in psychology from the Childish Hospital Federico Gà ³mez at Mexico City explain that, these negative effects are avoidable by limiting the use of computers and mobile devices (Univision, 2015). It is necessary to balance the time spent with those devices with other activities important for their development such as physical exercise and social coexistence. Mark Baley, Director of the Pacific University Child Learning and Development Center describes how a 5-year-old child fascinated with the Titanic received an interactive CD-ROM with a large screen computer. As he piloted this virtual tour of the Titanic, friends who wanted to hear the story and see the pictures surrounded him. He had to use the mouse carefully and precisely to navigate this tour. His social skills and small motor skills began to show improvement over a cou ple of weeks (Naeyc, n.d). Opponents consider children between 4-6 years old who use computers and mobile devices at risk of potentially irreversible eye damage because of blue light emissions from those screens. Whereas these conditions can be treated and prevented with regular breaks and blinking, the hazards of accrued exposure to blue light are still relatively unknown. In 2014, a US study showed artificial retina cells grown in a laboratory were destroy when exposed to blue light (Ongaro, 2014). However, they were exposed directly to the blue light for many hours that is why they were destroy. This is because they don ´t have the natural blinking that children naturally have. The parents have to educate the children to make continuous blinking, take some breaks, do some exercises and look at distant objects for 10-30 seconds periodically, so that children can rest the muscles they use to see. In addition, the new technologies like the fast refresh rate, high resolution, automatic brightness and contrast are in favor of children ´s ocular health. Opponents argue that there is a struggle with obesity because sitting in a chair in front of a computer and mobile devices can trap children between 4-6 years old, without even thinking to go to the toilet. However, according to Health Awareness Community, the advancement of computers and mobile devices will make the next generation more active, not less (2016). With the advances in smart phone technologies and high accuracy GPS systems, there are entirely new fun physical activities for children. The Sworkit Kids mobile app virtual platform for free was born with the mission to turn physical exercise into a game by providing parents and kids with personalized activities focused on improving flexibility, strength, and agility. This app is to motivate children to play sports, is suitable for 4-6 years old, and encourages them to be entertained and motivated. It is evident that using computers and mobile devices on children between 4-6 years old could be unhealthy, but all those arguments are avoidable with the guidance of parents and educational institutions. Those technology devices will not disappear, the children have to be educated to optimize its use. The computers and mobile devices will not negatively affect the children ´s learning capacity if their parents limit the time spent on it and combine it with other activities. The computers and mobile devices now have better screens and children educated to blinking, take breaks and do some eye exercises after their use, so that they will not damage their eyes. With the mobile devices and its technology, children and their parents will be motivated to do some physical exercise to improve their flexibility, strength and agility.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth - The Witches and Lady Macbeth :: Free Essay Writer
Influence of the Witches and Lady Macbeth The last person you would expect to encourage you to commit a crime would be your wife. Macbeth is motivated by his wife and by three Witches and gradually becomes more ruthless, evil, and murderous as the play progresses. Lady Macbeth is first introduced in Act1 Scene 5: reading a letter receives from Macbeth describing the encounter with the Witches, and the prophecies which they given him. Lady Macbeth is very ambitious; believes that Macbeth is too kind and loyal to take the steps needed to become king. "Yet do I fear thy nature; it is too full o’ the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way." Lady Macbeth uses the weaknesses of Macbeth to convince him to kill King Duncan: she challenges his manhood "When you durst do it, then you were a man." "Thou esteem’st the ornament of life and live a coward in thine own esteem." She tries to make him feel guilt: Macbeth promised to kill Duncan he changes his mind. "What beast was’t, then that made break this enterprise to me" In Macbeth the Witches are shown as being evil, conniving, and cruel. "Here I have a pilot’s thumb, wreck’d, as homeward he did come." The Witches play a major role in convincing Macbeth to kill Duncan. They give Macbeth and Bonquo three prophecies: "all hail Macbeth hail to thee, thane of Cawdor" "all hail, Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter" "thou shalt get kings, though be none." Bonquo doesn’t take these prophecies seriously, but Macbeth shows some ambition for power. "If chance will have me king, why, chance will crown me." Macbeth becomes more dependent to the Witches. In Act 4 scene 1 Macbeth returns to the weird sisters, demanding what the future would bring. The Witches gave him three prophecies: "Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff, beware the thane of Fife." "none of woman born shall harm Macbeth" "Macbeth shall never vanquish’d be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill." As the play goes on Macbeth turns for the worse. He becomes more ruthless, evil, and murderous. After killing Duncan, Macbeth feels remorse and guilt. "To know my deed, ‘twere best not know myself. Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou could’st." Not being able to return to Duncans room and place the knives is a show of weakness and remorse.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Analysis and Separation of Organic Acids in White Wine Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography Atis, Arnelson Arwin G. and Gaitos, Gerald M. Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City Performed: December 9, 2011 Submitted: December 15, 2011 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION solutions containing increasing amounts of the organic acid. These solutions were contained in flasks numbered 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. (Refer to the Appendix to see components of each flask). Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5 show the peak areas and the equation of the calibration curve obtained for each organic acid in the chromatograms obtained for flasks 5 to 9. Table 2. Peak Areas of Tartaric Acid in Flasks 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Flask Retention Peak Area Concentration time (min) (g/L) 5 2. 863 491 364 0. 5 6 2. 905 918 187 1 7 3. 027 5 949 164 5 8 3. 044 8 363 261 8 9 3. 065 9 475 446 10 Calibration Curve Equation:  y = 984 371. 3561x + 216 064. 755 R2 = 0. 9912  Table 3. Peak Areas of Malic Acid in Flasks 5, 6, 7, and 8 Flask Retention Peak Area Concentration time (min) (g/L) 5 3. 02  159742 0. 5 6 3. 760 1 114 051 1 7 3. 756 4 892 727 5 8 3. 795 6 883 424 10 Calibration Curve Equation:  y = 688 260. 8175x + 475 029. 6892 R2 = 0. 9766  Table 4. Peak Areas of Lactic Acid in Flasks 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Flask Retention Peak Area Concentration time (min) (g/L) 5 3. 533 575 620 0. 1 6 3. 598 1 248 888 1 7 3. 621 3 762 922 2. 5 The retention times of different organic acids commonly found in white wine were obtained using high performance liquid chromatography. The peak areas of the acids were then obtained through chromatograms and plotted against the concentrations of the standard solutions of the organic acids to construct a calibration curve. Finally, the calibration curves obtained were used to determine the concentration of the organic acids in samples of white wine. Standard solutions of various organic acids commonly found in white wine (tartaric, malic, lactic, citric) were assigned to be contained in flasks 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively, and were run through the chromatograph. The mobile phase used for the analytes was H3PO4 at pH 3, to prevent dissociation of the organic acids. The resulting chromatograms of each standard were then analyzed to obtain the retention times of the organic acids. Table 1 shows the experimental retention times of the different organic acids. Table 1. Experimental Retention Times of Organic Acids Organic Acid Retention Time (min) Tartaric  3. 088 Malic 3. 812 Lactic 3. 620 Citric 3. 68  Since there were no clear peaks from the chromatograms obtained for the tartaric, malic, and lactic acid samples, the retention time at which the peak height is greatest was obtained as the experimental retention time of the organic acids. The experimental retention times were then used to identify the peak areas corresponding to each organic acid analyzed in the resulting chromatograms of 8 3. 597 5 048 614 3 9 3. 619 6 519 896 5 Calibration Curve Equation:  y = 1 300 341. 246x + 414 396. 3089 R2 = 0. 9815  Table 5. Peak Areas of Citric Acid in Flasks 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Flask Retention Peak Area Concentration time (min) (g/L) 5 3. 140 361 921 0. 05 6 3. 208 907 232 0. 1 7 3. 306 4 736 427 0. 5 8 3. 325 7 508 481 0. 75 9 3. 347 9 612 454 1 Calibration Curve Equation:  y = 9 836 731. 501x + 96 328. 12036 R2 = 0. 9994  The equations of the calibration curves were then used to calculate the concentration of each organic acid in the white wine samples. The peak area corresponding to each organic acid was first obtained, and substituted in the calibration curve equation. The concentration of each acid is shown in Table 6. Table 6. Experimental Concentration of Various Organic Acids in White Wine Samples. Organic Retention Peak Area Concentration Acid Time (min) (g/L) Tartaric  2. 966 2 675 651 2. 499 Malic 3. 752 3 576 021 4. 506 Lactic 3. 393 4 709 737 3. 303 Citric 3. 144 794 394 0. 091  The results indicate that malic acid is the major component of white wine. But in reality, this is not the case. The major component of white wine is found to be tartaric acid. The chromatograms (See Appendix) of flasks 1 to 9, and of the sample are not well resolved. This discrepancy may be caused by several factors. These factors include poor solution preparation, contamination of the solvent or the sample, bubbles in the detector, impurities in the mobile phase, bleeding of the column, inadequate adjustment of equilibrium in gradient operation, and carry? over from previous injection. Due to these factors, it is highly advised that the future researchers should cautiously execute each procedure of the experiment to eliminate the discrepancy and accordingly, they could attain better results. They could also make use of theoretical retention times of the organic acids to determine each of them and which could further help the future researchers to analyze the wine sample more efficiently. REFERENCE:  Meyer, Veronika R. Practical High Performance Liquid     Chromatography. 2nd ed. 1993. England: John  Wiley & Sons Ltd. APPENDIX  Data Sheets   Concentration of tartaric acid standard: 50. 0 g/L Concentration of malic acid standard: 50. 0 g/L Concentration of lactic acid standard: 25. 0 g/L Concentration of citric acid standard: 5. 0 g/L Composition of Flasks 1? 9 Volume of standard stock solutions (in mL)  Retention Time Measurement Calibrat ion Curve Flask # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Tartaric Acid 5. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 0. 25 0. 50 2. 50 4. 00 Malic Acid 0. 00 7. 50 0. 00 0. 00 0. 10 0. 50 2. 50 5. 00 Lactic Acid 0. 00 0. 00 5. 00 0. 00 0. 10 1. 00 2. 50 3. 00 Citric Acid 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 5. 00 0. 25 0. 50 2. 50 3. 75 9 5. 00 7. 50 5. 00 5. 00 *Chromatograms of flasks 1? 9 and of the white wine sample can be seen in the remaining pages after this.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Road Essay – Cormac Mccarthy
The Road by: Cormac McCarthy Described the novel as a â€Å"gripping, heart-rending story, which explores the depths of despair and savagery beside the heights of love, tenderness and self-sacrifice. †Destruction, survival, isolation, and death are prominent themes in The Road. Most life has been wiped out by some unnamed catastrophic event. Cities are destroyed; plant life is gone; animals have disappeared. Civilization has broken down, and chaos reigns in its place. No matter where the man and the boy go, houses have no roofs and are rotting from the rain and wind. The natural cycle of seasons has been destroyed: it seems to be perpetually winter. Even the stability of the earth is off-kilter, for an earthquake shakes the ground on the East Coast. In a storytelling style that is stripped as bare as the novel’s setting, McCarthy recounts the journey of an unnamed man and boy, in an undefined location, who search among the debris in the aftermath of some cataclysmic event for morsels of food and warmth. Though their lungs are tortured by the thick ash that discolors and taints the air, and their unshod feet are blistered and almost frozen, they trudge forever forward, always hoping for something better, something similar to the past. They rarely find it. And they dare not linger, because other wanderers, likewise cold and hungry, will inevitably come upon them, fighting for the tidbits that the man and boy have found. In stark contrast to the devastated surroundings stands the man and boy’s unshaken devotion to one another. In a landscape where nothing blooms, their love flourishes and grows deeper, even as they wonder all the while which one of them will die first. They keep three things in mind as they move south toward a dream of warmth: they must find food, they must find clean water, and they must continually hide. bib: D. Dona Le, author of ClassicNote. Completed on July 24, 2009, copyright held by GradeSaver. Updated and revised by Adam Kissel September 19, 2009. Copyright held by GradeSaver. McCarthy, Cormac. The Road. London: Picador, 2006. McCarthy, Cormac. No Country for Old Men. London: Picador, 2007. White, J. M. â€Å"The Road (Book Review). Appalachian Heritage. 2006-12-01. 2009-07-20. . Whitmer, Benjamin. â€Å"The Road (Book Review). †The Modern Word. 2006-10-23. 2009-07-18. . Woodward, Richard B. â€Å"Cormac McCarthy’s Venomous Fiction. †The New York Times. 1992-04-19. 2009-07-14. . Kollin, Susan. â€Å"Genre and the Geographies of Violence: Cormac McCarthy an d the Contemporary Western. †Contemporary Literature 42:3 (Autumn 2001): 557-588. JSTOR. TCD Libraries, Dublin, Ireland. 18 July 2009. . Ellis, Jay. â€Å"‘What Happens to Country’ in Blood Meridian. †Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature 60:1 (2006): 85-97. JSTOR. TCD Libraries, Dublin, Ireland. 18 July 2009. .
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Cause and Effect essays
Cause and Effect essays There have been many conflicts throughout history that have caused many people to remember what it is like to take freedom for granted. The ascension of the world wars have taught a great deal to the people of the world just how precious life is. Although we have not learned from our mistakes throughout history, the rise of World War II can be categorized into three post emptive effects. This can be categorized by Germany losing its land, army, and valuable resources, the effects of genocide running rampant throughout Jewish community, and the rules of war are carefully mended. Many changes occurred after the Allies tightened their grip on Germany. Germany soon realized after the war that their second attempt to take over the world had failed miserably. After war sanctions reduced Germany to four divided territories. The United States, Great Britain, Russia and France were to take control over Germany taking the four cardinal directions to ensure the destruction of Germany. The over throw of Hitler came down on the German race especially hard by creating animosity toward all the Allie powers. Germany was to stop all military actions, especially the production of military equipment. This became a big part of Germanys economic downfall. Their economy was based primarily on the production of war materials. This led to a great depression lasting for almost 20 years during Germanys recovery to worldwide acceptance. Despite all Germanys attempts to rebuild what the lost twice, it was never gained back to its original strength. Many horrible actions took place in Europe during the early 1940s. Many of which occurred because of only racial and religious backgrounds. Although the mastermind behind all this genocide was not what he claimed to be the master race, over two million Jewish people lost there lives in vain. Thankfully I have had the privilege to speak to some of the victims of this h ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Bachelors Degree How Many Years Does It Take
Bachelor's Degree How Many Years Does It Take SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Wait- a bachelor’s degree is how many years? Most Americans wouldn’t hesitate to say, "Four." But as it turns out, this isn’t always the case- and certainly doesn’t have to be for you if you’d rather graduate early! In this guide, we addressone of students' biggest questionsabout college: how many years is a bachelor’s degree, and how can you shorten this time frame? Read on to learn what a typical bachelor's degree entails in terms of credits and classes, how long bachelor's programs generally are, and how you can reduce the time it will take you to earn a bachelor's degree. We'll also cover the biggest drawbacks of getting your degree in less than four years. What Is a Bachelor’s Degree? Overview A bachelor’s degree- also known as a baccalaureate- is an undergraduate degree bestowed by colleges and universities onpeople who have completed an academic program, typically lasting around four years. A bachelor’s degree designates achievement of an education level higher than that of a high school diploma/GED and associate degree (i.e., a two-year undergraduate degree) but lower than that of a graduate degree (master's or doctoral). One of the most common types of degrees for college-bound students, bachelor's degrees are available in a vast array of disciplines, from math and science to the arts and humanities. They also come in several varieties depending on the discipline/field, program, and institution. Here are some of the most common types of bachelor's degrees you’ll see: Bachelor of Arts (BA) Bachelor of Science (BS) Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Bachelor of Music (BM) Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) Bachelor of Engineering (BE, BEng) There are many benefits to getting a bachelor's degree. Besides expanding your knowledge of a particular field, bachelor's degrees aregreatfor finding well-paying jobs and establishing a career that interests you. According to findings by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median weekly earnings for people with a bachelor's degree is $1,173 per week. That's $337 more than what those with associate degrees make in a week,and $461 more than what those with only high school diplomas make. In short, education pays off! Now that we’ve looked at what a bachelor's degree is and how it can be useful for you, it’s time to get to the meat of the article: how many years is a bachelor's degree? Getting a Bachelor's Degree: How Many Years Does It Take? How long does it take to get a bachelor’s degree? The answer to this question depends on several factors, but in the US, most students earn their bachelor's degreesin four to six years of full-time study (not including summers). According to a 2016 report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, 37.5% of students in bachelor's degree programs at four-year public institutions earned their degrees in four years. In addition,75.4% of students earned their bachelor's degrees in six or fewer years. Of course, some students earn their bachelor's degrees in less time- as little as three years- whereas others earn theirs in more time- up to eight or more years. Here are some key factors that determine how much time your bachelor's degree takes: Whether you have any credits from AP/IB exams or community college classes How many classes you take per semester Whether you take classes over the summer What your major requires in terms of credits and classes Whether you’re double majoring Whether you’re taking classes full- or part-time The total number of credits youmust accumulate to get your bachelor’s degree can vary slightly depending on the school and whether it uses a semester or quarter system. Generally speaking, most bachelor's degree programs require a minimum of 120-130 semester credits, or 180-190 quarter credits. This is roughly equivalent to 40 classes. The classes you must take will vary widely depending on both your major and school. Typically, though, you’ll need to take the following types of classes to get a bachelor's degree: General Education classes:Normally, all bachelor's degree candidates must take these core classes, regardless of their majors. Classes span a variety of subjects, including math, science, writing, and social studies/history. Exact requirements vary depending on the school. Major classes: These are the classes you must take to fulfill the requirements for your major and minor. Usually, these may not overlap with the Gen Ed classes you're required to take. College, school, or departmental classes: These classes are required by the college, school, and/or department that houses your major. At the University of Michigan, for instance, those in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts must earn at least 100 credits in the College but may earn the remaining 20 credits through a different college or department, such as the College of Engineering. When it comes to taking electives- even if the credits count toward your degree's total number of required credits- if they do not fulfill any of the three criteria above, they might prolong the time it takes for you to earn your bachelor's degree. Lastly, many colleges these days offer online bachelor's degree programs,through which you can earn a bachelor’s degree entirely online. Because these programs offer more flexibility than a traditional program, you could earn your degree in even less time (more on this later). Ready to speed through your degree? How to Get a Bachelor’s Degree in Less Time: 6 Tips How many years is a bachelor’s degree? Typically four, but it’s certainly possible to get yours in less time, if you so choose. In this section, we go over six key ways you can reduce the time it’ll take to get your bachelor’s degree. Tip 1: Start Earning College Credit in High School One of the easiest ways to reduce the time it takes to get a bachelor's degree is to start in high school by taking AP tests, IB tests, and community college classes. First, let's look at AP tests. Byearning high scores on AP exams (typically a score of 3+), you'll getcollege credits that can be applied toward your bachelor’s degree. For example, at the University of Michigan you can earn anywhere from 2 to 5 credit hours for high scores on AP tests (what you earn will vary depending on what exam you take and what score you get on it), whereas at Stanford you can earn up to 10 quarter units for scores of 4 or 5 on AP tests. AP scores can also allow you towaive certain General Education or major requirements at colleges, thereby saving you time you would've spent actually taking those classes in college. Nevertheless, not all collegespermit this. Some will only accept AP credits as elective credits that count toward the total credits required for your degree but not for specific major/minor or departmental credits. For example, on its website,UCLAmakes it clear that "AP credit does not satisfy General Education requirements." In addition to AP scores, high scores from IB exams can count as credits toward your bachelor’s degree. You’lltypicallyneed a score in the range of 5-7 on an IB exam in order to earn college credit for it. Be aware that colleges are more likely to award credit for higher-level IB exams than they are standard-level IB exams. So if you’ve finished a standard-level IB course, just know that you might not actually get any college credit for it! In addition, becauseAP classes and tests are more popular, colleges might be less likely to accept IB exam credits. I strongly advise you to check the official credit policies for each college you're consideringso you'll know what kinds of tests they accept for credit and how much credit you’ll get (some schools offer more credit for AP tests over IB tests, or vice versa). Finally, and only if a collegeallows this,you might be able toearn credits for college while in high school by taking some community college courses.It's not particularly common for four-year colleges to accept community college credits from high school students, so be sure to check first with the colleges you’reconsidering to see whether they'll actually accept these credits. Tip 2: Choose a Major Early and Stick With It Knowing for sure what you want to major in will help streamline your bachelor's programand could even cut down the time it takes you to get your degree. If you end up changing your major a couple of years in or wait to declare one until late into your program, you’ll most likely be in college for at least four years- possibly longer! Moreover,choosing just one major can reduce the time it takes to get your degree.Though there’s nothing wrong with double majoring(I did it), doing so means you’ll likely be in school for four years, maybe longer. Ultimately, you have to decide what’s important for you.Would you rather get your bachelor’s degree in less time but only be able to have just one major? Or, would you rather spend more time in college- four or more years- and be able to study everything you want? I suggest meeting with your college academic advisor as soon as you can to explain your plans and see what your options are for courses and schedules. Talk to your advisor aboutadjusting your schedule so you can graduate sooner. Tip 3: Take More Classes Each Semester/Quarter One way students can try to reduce the time to their degrees is to take more classes during the semester/quarter. Essentially, instead of taking the normal course load of, say, four classes per semester (whichwe'll sayis equal to 16 credits), you'd be taking five classes (20 credits). By taking just one or two extra classes a semester, you could cut down your program by as much as a whole semester or year, allowing you to graduate early. As a reminder, the "normal" number of credits you take per semester/quarter will vary depending on the institution. Check with your college (or any colleges you’re considering) to see how many credits students typically take and whether there is a maximum number of credits or courses you can take per semester/quarter. Tip 4: Enroll in Summer Classes Manystudents earn their bachelor's degrees in four years of continuous full-time study, but this time frame doesn’t include summer courses, which offer you an extra quarter or semester of credits.Just makesure that the courses you take are ones you need to graduate, such as major courses or General Education courses, and you're ready to go. Though most students who take summer classes do so at their home institutions, another option is to take college classes at a local community college during the summer. Doing this can be more convenient if yourschool is far away and you want to stay close to home in the summer. Check that your school will accept these summer credits before you decide to enroll in any community college classes. Also, be aware that you most likely won’t be able to transfer grades to your home institution- just the credits you earn. Summer school students need cool backpacks, too. (CollegeDegrees360/Flickr) Tip 5: Look Specifically for Shorter Bachelor’s Programs Many schools offer bachelor’s degree programs that are specifically designed to let you getyour degree in a shorter time frame, usually three years. These programs can vary significantly in how they’re structured, butnormally you'll be given a strict schedule to follow as well as special academic advising. If you’re dead-set on getting your degree in less time, it's worthit to see what colleges offer these programs and whether they have the program available in your intended major. The following chartshowspopular schools withthree-year bachelor’s degree programs.The schools have been arranged in alphabetical order, with each including its location and programs offered. You can find more three-year’s bachelor's degree programs bysearching on Google for"three-year bachelor’s degree programs" School Location 3-Year Programs Offered Ball State University Muncie, IN Nursing Central State University Wilberforce, OH Accounting, Business Administration, Political Science Grace College Winona Lake, IN Most majors Hartwick College Oneonta, NY Most majors Newbury College Brookline, MA All majors except Computer Science, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Culinary Management Regis College Weston, MA Biology, Global Business Management, Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, Psychology, Social Work Southern New Hampshire University Manchester, NH Accounting, Accounting and Finance, Business Administration, Business Analytics, Computer Information Systems, Economics and Finance, Fashion Merchandising and Management, Hospitality Business, Marketing, Operations and Project Management, Sport Management Southern Utah University Cedar City, UT About half of all majors SUNY Potsdam Potsdam, NY Biology, Chemistry, Communication, Computer Science, Creative Writing, Geology, Literature, Literature and Writing, Physics, Politics, Studio Art, Theatre, Writing Thomas College Waterville, ME Accounting, Business and Management, Communications, Computer and Technology, Criminal Justice, English, Finance, Marketing, Political Science, Psychology, Sports Management Trinity International University Deerfield, IL Most majors University of San Francisco San Francisco, CA Most majors University of Toledo Toledo, OH Most majors Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI Most majors Tip 6: Consider Getting a Bachelor’s Degree Entirely or Partly Online Many colleges offer online and hybrid bachelor’s degree programs, both of which usually take less time than a typical four-year undergraduate degree. An online programis where you take all your classes and turn in all assignments online. A hybrid program, on the other hand, is where you take both in-person and online classes- in short, it's a mix between a traditional program and an online one. If you don’t mind the idea of not going to an actual campus and not meeting with classmates and professors, an online or hybrid bachelor’s degree program could be for you. Just know that there can be some big disadvantages to doing one, including fewer (if any) networking opportunities and a lack of prestige (online and hybrid programs are still sometimes viewed as less "legitimate" than traditional ones). These programs can save you both time and money becauseof their flexibility. For example, at Purdue, "most [online] bachelor’s degree programs can typically be completed in 2 to 4 years." This short time frame is made possible due to the great flexibility students have regarding when they choose totake classes and access assignments. Here's a list of the top 15 universities offering online bachelor’s degree programs. (Note that the US News rankings are specifically for the online programs and not for each school as a whole.) School US News Ranking Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 1 Arizona State University 2 Ohio State University- Columbus 3 (tie) Oregon State University 3 (tie) Penn State 5 (tie) University of Florida 5 (tie) University of Illinois- Chicago 5 (tie) Colorado State University 8 (tie) University at Buffalo- SUNY 8 (tie) UNC - Wilmington 8 (tie) University of Oklahoma 8 (tie) Loyola University Chicago 12 (tie) University of Alabama- Birmingham 12 (tie) University of Central Florida 14 CUNY School of Professional Studies 15 (tie) Utah State University 15 (tie) Western Kentucky University 15 (tie) Getting a Bachelor’s Degree Faster: 4 Disadvantages How many years is a bachelor’s degree? Perhaps you’re hoping it’s less than four for you- and while there’s nothing wrong withearning your degree faster, there are some drawbacks you should be aware of. #1: Your Workload Will Be Heavier Finishing a bachelor’s degree in fewer than four years most likely means you’ll be working harder than other students by taking more classes during the school year and/or over the summer. With such a heavy workload, you’ll more than likely havefar less time to interact socially, go on vacations, and participate in extracurricular activities,such as clubs and sports. This could all negatively impact your personal satisfaction with your college experience, depending on what you hoped to get out of it. For some students, these drawbacks might not bea big deal.But if they will be for you, you might want to reconsider what you’re willing to give up in order to get your degree faster. #2: You’ll Have Fewer Chances to Take Classes Just for Fun Getting a bachelor’s degree in less time means not only following a strict schedule but also taking only the classes you need to take to get your degree. Consequently, you’ll very likely have fewer opportunities to take electives, that is, classes that are just for fun. Electives can enrich your college experience by allowing you to explore subjects you’re interested in but have never had the chance to study in-depth. Without the time in your schedule to take any classes for fun, you might feel as though you've missed the chance to explore other intellectual interests you have outside your major. #3: You Won’t Have Time for Summer Jobs and Internships Similar to the disadvantage above, if you’re taking classes over the summer to get your bachelor’s degree in less time, you won’t have any time during the summer to focus on other things, such as internships and jobs. This can be a big drawback if you’re hoping to get some work experience in your field before you graduate college. The trade-off here is whether you would rather graduate early with little to no work or internship experienceor graduate at a normal (or slightly slower) pace with more professional experience. #4: You’ll Have to Pay More Upfront Taking extra classes- whether it’s during the school year, the summer, or both periods- usually means you’ll need to pay more upfront for these classes. Although finishing your bachelor’s degree in less time can save you a ton of money in the long run (you won’t have to pay for any more tuition, class fees, housing, or meal plans) you still need to be prepared to pay more upfront for the extra classes you'll be taking and any housing and/or meal plans you’ll need(if taking summer classes). Recap: So A Bachelor’s Degree Is How Many Years? Most students in the US earn their bachelor’s degrees in about four years of continuous full-time study (excluding summers). That being said, many people are able to shorten this time frame to as few as three or even two years by planning ahead and taking advantage of certain opportunities. Although you’ll still need the minimum number of credits required to get your bachelor’s degree (usually 120-130 semester credits or 180-190 quarter credits), it ispossible toaccumulate this number of credits in a shorter amount of time. Here are six possible ways you could do this: Start earning college credit in high school through AP exams, IB exams, and (if a college will accept it) community college courses Choose a major early on and stick with it- this will help you plan out your future better and keep you on track with one main academic focus Take more classes each semester/quarter so you can earn the credits you need faster Enroll in summer classesto earn credits ahead of schedule Look specifically for shorter bachelor’s programs if you prefer a program that offers a built-in structure for studentswho want to finish in a shorter time frame Consider getting a bachelor’s degree online- bothonline and hybrid programs will give you the flexibilityyou need toeasily earn a degree in less time Before you get to work figuring out how you can shorten the time it’ll take to get your bachelor’s degree, takea moment toconsider some of the drawbacks tofollowing such a strict schedule. Here are the four biggest disadvantages you’ll want to think about before making any decisions: Your workload will be heavier, making it hard to find time for socializing with classmates and friends, participating in extracurricular activities, relaxing, andgoing on vacations You’ll have fewer chances to take classes just for fun, which can be frustrating if there are fields outside your major you’re interested in learning about You won’t have time for summer jobs or internships,meaning you’ll be graduating with less professional experience than you might want to have You’ll have to pay more upfront for extra classes, summer housing, and meal plans- though you'll most likelysave money in the long run! Ultimately, whether or not you want to try to get a bachelor's degree in less time is completely up to you. Just make sure that you know what you're getting yourself into! What’s Next? Not sure what you want to study in college?Get tips on how you can choose the best major for you, and learn about the benefits of double majoring if you're interested in more than one field. How much does college cost these days?Our expert guide goes over how much you can expect to pay for your undergraduate educationand offers tips on how you can fork out less money. You can also check out our guide to the cheapest out-of-state colleges. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Hannah Muniz About the Author Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Sunday, November 3, 2019
An individual report auditing the management of innovation in a Essay
An individual report auditing the management of innovation in a nominated organisation - Essay Example How the innovation management process is different for the two types of innovation selected 11 5. Conclusion - The key learning experiences of the respective innovation examples 12 References 12 Appendix 13 1. Introduction The identification of effective strategies is a key challenge for managers in all firms worldwide. Most commonly, specific criteria are set for ensuring the alignment of organizational practices with the market trend and the consumer preferences. Still, in practice it has been proved that even when these criteria are met, the competitiveness of organizations involved may remain at low levels. The management of innovation in modern organizations is examined in the specific study. Reference is made to two particular firms: Microsoft and Alcoa. The first of them, Microsoft, has become popular mostly because of the development of Windows, an operating system that has been characterized as highly innovative. According to Chu (2010, p.2) ‘product innovation is tech nological upgrading of existing product or developing a new product technology’. On the other hand, Alcoa has introduced a unique process for refining aluminium; the above process meets the requirements of innovation process, which has been defined as ‘the usage of new or improved production technology’ (Chu 2010, p.3). ... On contrary in Alcoa emphasis is given more on long-term growth rather on the achievement of significant benefits in the short term. As a result, the perspectives of innovation in Microsoft are different than those of Alcoa, an issue analytically explained below. 2. Management of Innovation – theoretical perspectives The successful management of innovation in industries of different characteristics is based on specific terms. At a first level, organizations that are interested in promoting innovation have to be quite competent in managing knowledge (Mothe and Foray 2001, p.28). According to Mothe and Foray (2001) the promotion of innovation within organizations does not necessary requires the establishment of new vision and mission; rather, it can be achieved even in the context of the existing mission and vision under the terms that the relevant mission and vision are flexible enough so that they can be alternated for supporting plans focusing on innovation. At the same time, King (2009) notes that the tools available to managers of modern organizations for promoting innovation can highly vary; reference is made to for example to ‘the strategic positioning of personnel or the implementation of user innovation communities’ (King 2009, p.198). Moreover, Tidd et al (2005) emphasize on the following fact: the management of innovation in modern organizations can be a demanding task. The use of models and frameworks that have been extensively tested in the empirical research could help managers to minimize risks in regard to the particular activity (Tidd et al. 2005). The above researchers refer, as an example, to the Innovation Process model (Figure 1, Appendix).
Friday, November 1, 2019
Adler and Van Dorens The Activity and Art of Reading Essay
Adler and Van Dorens The Activity and Art of Reading - Essay Example (2014). In this case, I think that it is the students’ responsibility to apply the concepts taught by the teacher so that they can articulate them in their memory. In addition, learners have to incorporate initiatives of internalizing different concepts and knowledge that they receive from the teachers. Therefore, learners are obligated to act on things communicated to them, Adler, M. (1999). After reading â€Å"The Activity and Art of Reading†by Adler and Van Doren, I deduce my main role as a student is to be a thinker or a learner. In this aspect, I should consider the absence of a teacher as a motivating factor to help me have my books for a tutor: the book takes the position of a life instructor. Compulsorily, I should be very active in class by not only taking simple questions from the teacher but also tackling ideas raised by other students. In addition, I should feel free to express my own thoughts and ideas concerning the matter under discussion in the classroom. This will allow me to create my own knowledge and ideas about learning. Lastly, I have a role as a student to be motivated about learning. In this case, I am supposed to exhibit surmountable interests in learning. Adler, M. (1999) suggest that the main classroom duty performed by a teacher is to facilitate learning. In this case, the teacher communicates ideas and concepts to the students that are commonly referred to as aided discovery. The teacher is tasked with the role of monitoring various activities that learners are undertaking. In addition, the teacher is obligated to prepare learners with knowledge and prior experience so that the learning process can be conducted with expedite and efficiency. Other roles include managing the learning, managing activities and managing the group. Teacher diversity capital, according to Adler, M. (1999), is intended to develop teaching enrichment that embraces sensation and drives teachers to seek new prospects and ideas for building
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