Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Literary Analysis of Robin Goodfellow in A Midsummer Night’s Dream Essay
Numerous scholars who examine and analyze the comedy of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare point to Puck as the most significant character in the play. Although Shakespeare masks Puck’s important role in the comedy by hiding him amongst the more powerful characters, it becomes apparent that Puck’s mischievous attitude and knack for creating chaos are what moves the play along without a designated climax (â€Å"The Comedies: ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream†). Puck is first introduced in â€Å"Act II Scene I†when a fairy notions Puck’s infamy by inquiring to him, â€Å"Either I mistake your shape and making quite, Or else you are that shrewd and knavish sprite called Robin Goodfellow†(II. i. 33-35). The fact that Puck is especially known for his ability to morph order to disorder, and likewise, foreshadows the idea of Puck playing an important role in the inevitable chaos and subsequent order between both the mortals and the fairies. Puck, the â€Å"shrewd and knavish†fairy assistant to Oberon, plays and undeniably important part in the constant battle between order and disorder in A Midsummer Night’s Dream through his intentional antics, comedic mistakes, and convoluted relationship with both fairies and mortals. The names â€Å"Robin Goodfellow†and â€Å"Puck†were used in traditional fairy lore me as a sobriquet for the devil. The troublesome persona of Puck reflects his name indubitably. One of the predominant characteristics of Puck is his ability to create disorder, where he first displays this nature in â€Å"Act II Scene II†when he mistakes Lysander for Demetrius and anoints his eyes with a love potion. When Lysander wakes up, he immediately falls in love with Helena, discarding his true love, Hermia, by saying, â€Å"Hang off, thou cat, thou burr! Vile thing, let loose†(III. ii. 270). Puck’s next act of mischief in the play is directed towards Nick Bottom and Titania, when he transforms Bottom’s head into that of a burro in order to cause Titania, who was under a love potion, to fall madly in love with him upon her awakening. He expresses his gleeful attitude towards the situating by declaring, â€Å"My mistress with a monster is in love†(III. ii. 6). When listening to Puck’s dialogue between other characters in the play, one can observe that Puck enjoys bringing about chaos to mortals in order to entertain himself and his master, Oberon, just as Philostrate organizes entertainment for his master, Theseus (â€Å"Puck Through the Ages†). That being said, Robin also plays a major part in returning order to the turmoil he formerly caused. In â€Å"Act III Scene II,†at the height of the confusion in which all four Athenian lovers along with Titania and Bottom were affected by magic, Puck begins his campaign to mend the discord. First, he squeezes the love potion into Demetrius’ eyes in order to get him to fall in love with Helena. Then, Puck casts a thick fog on the forest and imitates both Lysander and Demetrius’ voices to get all four lovers to wander near each other without noticing and sleep. Once asleep, Robin squeezes the love potion once more on Lysander’s eyes and declares a return to order by saying, â€Å"Jack shall have Jill, Nought shall go ill; The man shall have his mare again, and all shall be well†(III. ii. 461-63). By using the same kind of mischief that caused the disorder in the first place, Puck was able to harness its power and fix the conflict to restore peace again. Through his manipulation and mischief, Robin Goodfellow was able to conjure up both order and disorder in order to entertain himself, his master, and everyone who hears the play. Furthermore, he moved the play along without a climax by altering the â€Å"reality†that the play contained. Puck even left the audience in confusion when he gave the last word, saying that us the readers could decide for ourselves if the play was real or not. These contributions alone are why Puck is considered the most important character and why the play itself makes sense, is a comedy, and is still a classic example of literature today.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Gender Equality In Education
All over the world, education is not only acknowledged to benefit individuals but as well recognized to promote national development. Education expands the life choices and opportunity for both boys and girls; nevertheless, approximately 60 million girls continue to be out of school (â€Å"Gender Equality in Education†). Several government and non-government organization have been continually working to eliminate the disparity between boys and girls by identifying gender-related barriers, evaluating the extent of education disadvantage that the latter confront, and implementing systems to overcome and remove the aforesaid impediments.Basically, ensuring gender equality in education suggests that boys and girls have equal opportunities to enroll and access school, as well as to benefit from, and participate in the array of subjects or other learning practices presented in schools and classrooms. Effective Strategies for Equality In Education An effective approach for educating boys and girls requires incorporating attention to enrollment and admission, in addition to achievement and excellence.Through gender-sensitive teaching-learning methods, learning materials, and curricula, boys and girls in the same way become prepared with the attitudes and life skills needed to achieve their definitive skill, within and beyond the educational system, irrespective of their sex (â€Å"Promoting Gender Equality in Education†2). Unfortunately, in developing countries, girls generally come up against textbooks, teaching practices, and other school materials that endorse gender stereotypes that are disadvantageous to their educational success.In addition, unsafe school environment creates difficulties to the completion of education, more especially to girls. Keeping girls in schools necessitates donors, policymakers, educators, community members, and parents to look further than enrollment and deal with bigger, related issues. For instance, poor families normall y have to choose between educating their daughters or sons, and more often than not parents routinely prefer to educate their sons.Evidently, decisions are normally not be anchored in the natural skills, aptitudes, or the enthusiasm levels of their children. However, the prearranged gender responsibilities may not automatically benefit boys either, and may even be detrimental to them. Young age boys may experience a profound responsibility to academically perform in order to meet their families’ expectations to be successful. Consequences of Gender Equality In EducationExceptionally numerous children, particularly those form poor families and living in remote or rural areas, constantly needs quality learning opportunities, such as access to a sheltered, nearby school. Child soldiers, trafficked children, orphaned children, displaced children, refugee children, street children, indigenous children, working children, as well as those who are living in conflict areas, and physic ally challenged are not receiving an adequate education (â€Å"Education From A Gender Equality Perspective†6).Even more unfortunate, being female aggravates an already problematical situation. In many developing countries, girls are less encouraged than boys to stay in school, enroll in school, or less expected to have their educational requirements provided using non-formal approaches (â€Å"Education From A Gender Equality Perspective†6). Evidently, the most excellent, available development investment is not being totally exploited by these nations. Educating girls takes in significant outcomes.Educating girls to a certain extent generates a higher rate of return than any other investment presented in the developing world. When girls are provided with access to a rights-based, quality education, they have a tendency to postpone marriage, boast healthier and fewer children, and throw in more to nation productivity and family income (â€Å"Education From A Gender E quality Perspective†6). Whether consideration is focused on primary or secondary education, providing and ensuring access to high quality education is essential if nations are to realize their development objectives.Developing countries that fall short of guaranteeing impartial access to basic education are, as a result, affected by distressing consequences, such as the increase in fertility and increase costs, poverty, malnutrition, and child mortality. Worldwide Status of Gender Inequality In Education According to the visionary educator Dr. Kwegyir Aggrey, â€Å"Educating the men and neglecting the women is the most certain approach to keep a population down†(â€Å"Girl Power: Educating Girls in the 21st Century†n. p. ).Accordingly, a nation basically educates a person if it educates a man; however, a nation educates a family if it educates a woman. The good news these days, however, is that over recent decades a record numbers of girls have swarmed into sc hool. Girls have closed the gender gap with boys, and prevailed over considerable development, social, and economic gains for their communities as well as for themselves. In poor countries, in general, girls’ primary school enrollments in 1990 to 2004 soared from 87 percent to 94 percent; with more girls today in secondary school than in any documented period in history (Mercy and Fort).Nevertheless, despite the fact that inequalities in the enrolment rates in primary and secondary education have decreased, they have not been eradicated up until now. At present, more than two-thirds of the estimated 860 million uneducated persons around the world are women (â€Å"Decent childhoods: Educate both girls and boys†). Conclusion Education is a basic human right, and children regardless of sex, color, nationality and religion are entitled to it. Education is significant to the development of people and societies, as it helps bring about a productive and successful future.For the millions of illiterate children, admission to education is the pathway to an improved life. Moreover, educating girls leads the way for more extensive changes in the work places, societies and families. When governments guarantee access to a rights-based, quality education that is founded on gender equality to their young citizens, it generates a wave effect of benefits that clearly affect future generations. Works Cited â€Å"Decent childhoods: Educate both girls and boys. †June 2008.International Labour Organization. 4 March 2009 . â€Å"Education From A Gender Equality Perspective. †May 2008. USAID. 4 March 2009 . â€Å"Gender Equality in Education. †20 April 2009. USAID. 4 March 2009 . â€Å"Girl Power: Educating Girls in the 21st Century. †5 March 2009.The World Bank. 4 March 2009 . â€Å"Promoting Gender Equality in Education. †n. d. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 4 March 2009 . Tembon, Mercy, and L ucia Fort. n. d. â€Å"Girl’s Education in the 21st Century. †The World Bank. 4 March 2009
Starting From Scratch Or Buying An Existing Business
Starting From Scratch Or Buying An Existing Business If you're about to have a business, you'll think about how to get it, by staring a new one or buying an existing one. Anna Bryant bought an existing salon when she had the chance instead of starting her own.The reasons for that are because she had no business experience or skills but she believes that she have the capabilities to run this salon, also she's an entrepreneur for the first time and this will save her the time of the stating period plus the effort of building the business name and make it stand in ground, it also have customers and taff and already been running for years so she can start making sales from the first day.Before buying the business there are some steps to be taken, studies, plans and more, like knowing the first owner decided to sell the business and if there are major problems within the business and figuring out how to solve them. Appraising the business is a must too because she wouldn't want to pay mor e for the business. She should get help and ask experts about all the details as she also need to sit plans about how she'll run the business and about the changes needed to be made and ake expectations to be reached. Also evaluating the risks and see how to avoid them.After finding the reasons and applying the required steps before buying, Anna Bryant is now able to make her decision. Successful Entrepreneur Effectiveness A Successful entrepreneur have special characteristics, passion, willingness to take risks, Positive attitude, Confidence, respect, and trust are all needed in the entrepreneur character. Commitment, leading skills, team building and flexibility also makes a good entrepreneur. knowledge in markets and how to run businesses and ow to communicate with others, all these characteristics build a Successful entrepreneur.Having no previous experience as an entrepreneur doesn't mean that the business won't be successful. Anna's first business succeeded because she had a l ot of a successful entrepreneur characteristics, the first was her love to the business and her passion about fashion. Courage, Wisdom, and excitement all were in her heart, and the desire to take the business to the next level all made her a great entrepreneur. Anna didn't have an experience but she was determined to gain it by consulting and getting help from others. She sat goals and put plans, she had a vision and this is one of the entrepreneur characteristics. ne of the challenges that face any business is financial management, high expenses, low sales and insignificant protlts, these problems and more which were facing Anna's business can be solved by using analysis techniques and take the right action based on the analysis process. Anna was able to improve the business finance by hiring a professional team and using their help, also by working on herself and gaining knowledge about the business market and learning some marketing techniques,. By studying the businesses' hance s, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses she was able to manage it Just right.After that she started to make changes in the business and make it more effective and attractive, by offering new services and new fashionable designs that are desirable which brought her new customers, Anna didn't wait until she make the salon exactly as she wants, she stared to work and make profits right away plus working in making the needed improvements, taking an advantage of all the available opportunities of the existing business made in easier for her to manage all the financial matters and this made her a great entrepreneur.My references Nitish. (2011). Main Reasons to Buy an Existing Business. Available: http:// accessed 29th April 2013. From E-library Slavec, Alenka-Prodan, Igor. (2012). The influence of entrepreneur's characteristics on small manufacturing firm debt financing. East European Management Studies. 17 (2), 22-23-24. The Advantages Of Franchising Owning and running a franchise ins tead of starting a business is an action taken by a lot of business people, John is one of them.Franchising have advantages which makes it a better option, as for John, a franchise have a lot benefits to offer like having big known brand to stand by you and support you for different aspects like the product knowledge, training development and sales. It was way easier that staring his own business. A franchise makes profits quickly, and it have a proven business format and it's supported by the Franchisors. It have lower risks and worries and a help is available when needed from the Franchisors who have powerful motivation.From my point of view franchising have five main advantages, Branding, it offers a strategic identity which impact on the market, big businesses spend millions on their branding and ranchisee gets the advantage of that, and the Franchisors are mostly well known for customers. Advertising, advertising takes a lot of the business expenses and a business can't survive without expensive and effective advertising. Name Recognition, which makes people guarantee the quality of the products and a known name gives them that.Reputation, which enable the Franchisee to enjoy protectiveness against lawsuits or accidents or any issues with the employees. Support, running a business needs training, and by have a Franchise you'll get all the train you need, they want you to be successtul because your success is ll possible ways. A Successful Franchise Business their success so they'll support you in Acquiring a franchise is a successful business to run, as it's cleared by the advantages of franchising. t have the benefit of having an access to the franchiser established system which have been running for a long time, franchisers spend a lot of time to modifying their system to the best it can be and hand it over to the franchisees, the system includes information about the products or services and all the details of the market methods, plus they make researc h to determine the best ocation for the franchise and some of them also manage the building and the renting matters which leave less worries for the franchisees.Another thing is, franchisees are not alone, the are supported by the franchisers who really want them to success, they train them to operate the business effectively , this is a very important reason why franchising can be a successful business. Moreover, franchisees' customers have a full awareness of the business and its products so they can trust without even trying it, means that loyal customer exists with any effort.John made it in his business and he became very successful because he had the experience of running a franchise before, he picked a good company with sound model to franchise and he started with full energy and high confidence. He received different trainings in different parts of the company, and used what he have learnt effectively and ran the business properly, he succeeded perfectly and became one of th e best too.Here are a study which clears the success of franchising: franchises success rate is 90% comparing to only 15% of business staring from scratch, meaning hat a franchisees will surely succeed as long as they follow the franchisors the instructions and use the support system effectively. My references: Don Daszkowski. Higher Likelihood of Success with a Franchise Business . Available: http://franchises. about. com/od/buyingafranchise/a/franchise-success. htm. Last accessed 1st may 2013. From the E-library: Abell-Mark1. (2010). The franchising advantage. Managing Intellectual Property. 9 (1-2), 16-17-18.GOING FOR A BUISNESS Starting a business is never easy whether it was a franchising, entrepreneurial enture or an independent small business. If I'm about to start my own business I wouldn't go for franchising, not because it won't be successful or because it's hard, it's Just that I'd rather to come up with new idea and add something to the world rather that applying the ide a of someone else, franchising may be profitable and better option tor those who are seeking tor cash and high incomes but I'm one ot those who cares more about changing the world and putting my fingerprint on it.Becoming an entrepreneur of an existing business is a good idea which will save a lot f preparing time in the starting period, still the existing business may not apply my own perspectives which means I'll have to do a lot of changes and this may cost me more that what I'll may pay if I started it myself, That's why my best option is to start from the ground. My new small business is about handmade stuff trade, not going to say it's growing fast but I follow the saying: think big and start small.My band is LA FEMME TOM and it's a one-person business so far, it's growing slowly but it's giving me all I need at the moment, plus it's helping me to spread the awareness of the mportance and the value of the handmade stuff which is one of the business aims, it is about selling my handmade stuff, giving courses on how to make them and supporting those who have a talent in this field.I sell my stuff online and in some places, I don't have my own shop yet but soon I'll do as it's planed for. The business approach is to grow and have many branches, it's in a progress development and aiming to have partners and hire working hands to take the production to the next level. Basically the business activities are about girls hobbies to fell the spear time with useful and beneficial things.
Monday, July 29, 2019
The Dark Ages a Prelude to Light and Renaissance Essay
The Dark Ages - a Prelude to Light and Renaissance - Essay Example Another was the fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans which marked the historical ending of the Middle Ages. But major developments in art and architecture were one of the key features during this period. An attempt is made to review the art and architecture during this period loosely based on Laurie Schneider Adam’s book ‘A History of Western Art.’ Proposed review will follow the art and architecture during the early Christian era, followed by the influence of Byzantine culture. Islamic and Ottoman influence is covered next after which the Roman style that was seen during the period will be reviewed. Next comes the Gothic style and the building of the many great cathedrals that one sees in Europe. Even though referred to as the dark ages, many developments that evolved during the Renaissance period had its base in the Middle Ages. Hence this period is very relevant in a humanities course. One institution that held on strongly after the fall of the Roman Empire was the undivided Christian church. Christians were allowed open worship by the Edict of Milan which ultimately resulted in the religion becoming very widespread. Christian architecture flourished during the early days of the Middle Ages and was characterized by two types of structures namely a longitudinal basilica and the centralized baptistery. â€Å"The exteriors of Early Christian buildings were plain and unadorned and the interiors contrarily were richly decorated with marble floors and wall slabs, frescoes, mosaics, metal works, hangings, and sumptuous altar furnishings in gold and silver.†(Early Christian Art). Some examples include the churches of San Stefano Rotondo and the Baptistery of Constantine. Byzantine art and architecture were greatly influenced by Rome because the cultural and social foundation of that great city was undeniable Roman. But most monuments during this period were also greatly influenced by East European architecture and the Hellenized East.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Freud - fear and fantasy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Freud - fear and fantasy - Essay Example The goal of this paper is to critically analyse how Newton’s TV ad appeals to its contemporary consumers through fear and fantasy symbols and suggestions. The framework of psychoanalysis will be used to interpret the meaning of this advertisement to target market segments. This advertisement uses fear and fantasy to respond to the unconscious desires of killing the ageing self, repressing sadism, and pursuing role reversal, and the conscious desires of being young and beautiful again, because of its underlying sexual and power benefits. One of the most powerful unconscious desires concerns violence, which in the advertisement’s case, refers to self-harming the ageing self. Freud's theories of aggression were multifaceted and evolved all through his lifetime. He first saw aggression as part of the sexual instinct that drives the â€Å"service of mastery†(Freud, 1905 cited in Yakeley and Meloy 2012, p.231), but afterwards, he believed that aggression constitutes a reaction to both internal and external risks, such as loss, and promotes self-preservation (Freud 191 cited in Yakeley and Meloy 2012, p.231). ... It indicates the subconscious hatred to be old, because to be old means being left behind, losing one’s social connections, and feeling weak, helpless, and unneeded. In the article, â€Å"When the Glass Is Full,†Bolgar (2002) talked about Erikson’s stages of human life, where old age is characterised as a struggle between â€Å"integrity†and â€Å"despair†(p.640). He believed that during this time, anxiety is based on â€Å"transference†or â€Å"resistance†to ageing (p.642). The resistance can be so fierce that negative emotions are attributed to the aspect of growing old. The â€Å"Olay Total Effects†ad maintains that old age is something people do not have to embrace in the physical sense. The signs of old ageing, it suggests, are repulsive, and the only way to preserve life’s beauty is to remain young-looking through using its product. Ageing is the first stage before dying, and so striving to look young as long as possible is critical to killing the ageing self. Looking youthful makes people feel less vulnerable to death. It seems that they are delaying the inevitability of their mortality. The compulsion is to use age-defying products, so that women can resist ageing. Newton’s Olay ad promises the fountain of youth. If Newton can kill the ageing self, then other consumers can also do this, without feeling guilty about it. The ad is saying that its product is the answer, or more specifically, the acceptable answer to the fear of ageing. They cannot harm themselves to fight the signs of growing old. Their anger can be diffused through doing something about their fear of ageing; this can be attained through decreasing its signs. This ad asserts that it can offer something
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Alternate Assessments w9 esol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Alternate Assessments w9 esol - Essay Example In this paper, we shall discuss alternative assessments like portfolios and K-W-L charts that are being frequently used and have gained tremendous success in the ESL classrooms. Learner Portfolios are one of the most common alternative assessments that are being used widely in the ESL classrooms nowadays. A portfolio refers to a compilation of a student’s work which can include such items as notes from learner/teachers discussions, learner’s writing samples, reports on books read, learner’s reflection on their development, and statistics from performance based appraisals, and scores of commercial tests. Portfolios are a holistic, student centered and performance based approach of assessment. This method of assessment is tremendously beneficial to all the students especially the ESL students since portfolios focus on students’ strengths rather than their weaknesses. Moreover, it provides room to the ESL students to display more than what they are tested for. In this way, students are encouraged to work more efficiently and display their best work. They provide prospects for students to look upon who they are as learners, writers a nd people. In addition, portfolios enhance the communication between the teacher and the students, the teacher and the parents, and the school administrators as well. However, these portfolios are very time consuming and don’t give quantifying outcomes which only commercially available tests can provide. Moreover, these alternative assessments may not meet eligibility necessities in career training programs, or higher level classes of ESL learners. Therefore, it is important for ESL programs to use a combination of commercial based and performance based assessments to test the language proficiency of ESL learners (Burt &Keenan, 1995). As far as native English speaking students in the classroom are concerned, portfolios are fair to them. All the students, irrespective of
Friday, July 26, 2019
No title Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
No title - Essay Example The paper discusses about the technological advancements visualized in the movie â€Å"Minority Report†and critically examines the impact of its certain scenes. Progression of visual aids has been astonishing and better visuals are experienced by the audience in the recent years. Moreover the technological myth which is deflected in the movie indicates that world will be a very different place in the coming years due to rapid technology advancement (Livingston & Plantinga, 2012, p.61). The paper illustrates that what are the impacts of power and surveillance use in the city; how institutional power and private rights must be balanced & where would this technology realm lead us to. The movie Minority Report precisely indicates some of the hazardous circumstances which mankind will be facing in the coming years. A hawk view into the future has been portrayed in the movie. The depiction in the movie portrays that world would be a very difficult place to live in the imminent years. The movie portrays a glimpse of the future and exemplifies that police department power are substantial and considerable. They have established a Pre-crime department which claims to catch criminals before the happening of a crime. The department has installed a gigantic technological setup which has certain formalities. The setup enables Pre-crime police department to have a blueprint about the upcoming crime endeavors, which enables them to catch the convicted at the crime scene and save person from death. There have been no deaths in the past six years since this setup has been installed; but still ambiguity prevails among the Department of Justice that there are some flaws in the system (Minority Report, 2002). The above given picture portrays that pre-crime department does it level best to create peace and harmony in the city hence it invades into the crime scene and stops the crime to occur. The information is gathered before
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Internet Galaxy by Manuel Castells Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Internet Galaxy by Manuel Castells - Coursework Example The Internet Galaxy by Manuel Castells provides a framework for understanding how the network society affects both oppresses and liberates individuals and global populations. The text makes suggestions regarding the impact of the internet and other digital communications media on society but falls short in providing adequate solutions that can be implemented on an individual or regional level to improve the success of society in the digital age. Digital communications have created what Castell terms a â€Å"network society†. Digital communications are libratory in that they allow the free and fair exchange of information with virtually no restrictions, a process describe in the text as â€Å"reinventing society†(Castell, 2001, p.61). Just as previous communications advances such as language and printed text, the widespread adoption of the internet as a means of communication has caused a social stratification between individuals of different ages, ethnicities, economic background, and nationality based on their proficiency and access to the internet, which is considered to be the fundamental element of the contemporary network society. Communication can be described as a human’s ability to express symbolic ideas as representations, which may be written, oral, and even tactile. Humans differ from most other animals in that they can create what is known in psychological terms as â€Å"decoupled representations†, or representations that are not bound specifically to a stimulus (Pleyer, 2010). While most animals respond with a distinct reaction only to a certain stimulus, humans can express such reactions even when that stimulus is not present. The written word, and subsequently printed text allowed representations to further be decoupled from their original stimulus, allowing ideas to exist independently of their cause and source.Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
How can people be achieved between cultures Research Paper
How can people be achieved between cultures - Research Paper Example John Stuart mill and John Locke advocated for upholding human rights earlier than other scholars. Nevertheless, this does not necessarily mean that they were the one responsible in the formulation of human rights. The universality of human rights cuts across various cultures. Even though appreciation of the rights occurred in the Western world and as characterised in both the American and French revolution, the historical development of human rights is much older (Marek, 2010). In an attempt to understand the current global cultural politics, modern scholars draw insight from modernity. This view holds that modernity originated from the West in a Judaeo Christian setting. The interrelation between economic, scientific, philosophical and artistic revolutions led to an understanding of novel ways about people, the environment and political power. These thoughts did not lead to globalization, but through military skill and economic imperialism the Europeans contributed to modernity (Reus-Smit, 2011). There are many opinions on what constitutes human rights, the perceptions differ from an intellectual or political point of view. Additionally, the differences seem to originate from the historical evolution of human rights. Human rights originate from people with diverse backgrounds. Another view holds that human rights can be divided into; whether based on an individual’s status or status of group, the degree to which people are treated depending on success or acknowledgement, the importance of rights, obligation and thoughts on the interdependency between the two or the emphasis on economic and social rights vs. civil and political rights (Plantilla & Raj, 1997). The result of the cold war ushered in a period with many uncertainties. There was an end to the super power enmity and the North-South divide. Nevertheless, this period concurred with many world problems including unemployment, poverty,
Clear sky case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Clear sky case study - Essay Example is regarded as superior to the other tendered internet products due to quality, speed and service and it is when ClearSky is about to sign a deal with this provider that it learnt that its arch rival competitor DarkSword Air had already acquired a controlling interest in SurfShop with the aim of limiting their product for the next two years to their aircraft only. This has prompted ClearSky to re evaluate its strategic plans and present them to the board for approval. The problem is that DarkSword Air, a rival competitor has acquired a controlling interest in SurfShop which was also earmarked to be contracted by ClearSky to install its internet services offering IFE facilities on its aircraft. The acquisition of the controlling interest in SurfShop by DarkSword has prompted ClearSky to review its proposal since its competitor intends to limit the services offered to its aircraft only. In this particular case, SurfShop is a preferred provider by virtue of its service, speed and quality. It can be noted that the cause of the problem is that it ClearSky can no longer be able to access the services offered by the preferred principal vendor and service provider of airborne internet application the company wanted to roll-out globally on their new IFE platform since the controlling interest has been acquired by the other rival competitor which has led to the withdrawal of the proposal in order to develop the new strategic plans and present them to the B oard for approval. The most notable critical factor in this particular case is that there is likely to be a decline in business for ClearSky as the customers would prefer, to use aircraft offered by the competitor which has IFE services. In this case, it is prudent to use a SWOT analysis to try and establish the competitive advantage of ClearSky with reference to the adoption of the new IFE concept which has gained more prominence in the aviation industry especially during the contemporary period. â€Å"A SWOT analysis is a
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Benchmarking as an important activity in the analysis of e-Business Essay
Benchmarking as an important activity in the analysis of e-Business Web sites - Essay Example E-business has given every organization that uses it a additional advantage running their businesses. Competition to produce an online website that tells about the organization and its product has also started. In the same way selling products online through a website has also become popular, there are certain advantages attached to it but we wont go into that detail. Another important aspect of running a business online successfully is to check whether an organization's website is according to the standards of its competitors. This can be done using certain techniques like surveys, questionnaires and conducting interviews. This article explored a new technique called benchmarking. Benchmarking is basically evaluating the content of the website in terms of its usefulness and usability compared to your competitors. The importance of this method can be gauged by the fact that the two aspects that are being benchmarked namely usefulness and usability can only determine the actual return your website is giving to the organization. Claiming your website is successful by checking the number of times it has been viewed is useless, instead the benchmarking method makes a lot of sense as it is analyzing the two vital factors that originally decide whether a website is successful or not. If we go 30 years back in time there was no concept of using a computer to communicate to a co-worker or sending an email to your boss for a certain favor. Records were kept on files in a closet. If your boss needed information about last year's sale you had to tell him if he can wait for 2 days, and your boss agreed. Today if you reply to your boss in the same manner it's obvious your boss won't accept your reply, instead it might be possible that you are fired. This gets a bit harsh but this is a fact. Technology has taken great steps all these years and is looking to go even faster as the time moves on. It is important for every person to keep up with the moving technology to survive in this world, especially organizations that are running businesses internationally and on the Internet. Keeping in touch with the technology trend has become a necessity in this case as every organization looks for improving itself with the use of newer and better technology. E-business might seem e asy as to setup a website and conduct your business online, but its not the case and its not as easy as you think. As new and better technologies enter the market an organization has to make sure that it acquires it and makes the best use of it. It is important to keep abreast of technology trends when running an e-business because once a firm starts e-business it is attaching itself to the world of Internet and technology, and if an organization gets involved in this world it has to keep a track of what is going on and what is new so as to make sure it does not lag behind in any field. Q. 3. Comment on one recent technology trend, and discuss how it might affect an e-Business. As technology advances trends are being setup. For example a certain technology becomes famous as it enters the market and everyone gets attracted to it for a while. After 3 or 4 months a better technology comes into being and now people are driven towards this one. This will keep
Monday, July 22, 2019
The 42 mile run Essay Example for Free
The 42 mile run Essay The 42 mile run is from Buna to Gleivitz and it takes place during the Holocaust. It seems impossible especially since they are prisoners and they are skin and bon literally. They had accomplished it by being almost like a machine, also having a large pack of people contributed a large amount. The most important contribution was if you had family, if you had family you can use that as motivation like Elie Wiesel the writer of Night. â€Å"We were no longer marching; we were running. Like automatons.†said Elie Wiesel. This means that they were running mechanically or like a robot. Elie said, â€Å"I was putting one foot in front of the other mechanically.†This means that he wasn’t doing it on purpose his body was doing it on its on. He said that he could feel himself as two entities of his body and himself. Almost as if his mind and body were separated. The power of the pack was very strong but full of weak people. If it wasn’t a pack and it was just one person it would be impossible to do especially in these conditions. In the book Elie describes the pack as a tidal wave of men. This meant that there were thousands of men in the pack. If you were to stop you would be killed either by the guards or members of the pack trampling you. He said his body as galloping, and the others were too. So it was like a pack of horses running 42 miles. â€Å"Death wrapped itself around me till it stifled. It stuck to me. I felt that I could touch it. The idea of dying, of no longer being, began to Fascinate me.†Elie said this, and this means he was going to give up, to just stop running and either be trampled or shot. But one thing stopped him, his father. If it wasn’t for his fathers presence Elie would be dead. This shows that if you had a family member with you then it would seem almost as motivation. The three things that helped the pack run the 42 miles. One was running almost as if a robot, being mechanical. Another The size of the pack, if you stopped you would be killed by a tidal wave. And the last, Family, it had to be the biggest motivator.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe History Essay
The Rise Of Nationalism In Europe History Essay Nationalism has been on the rise over the last few years throughout Europe. Nationalism is the loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially : a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups, according to Mariam Webster Online Dictionary. The European Union was formed to bring peace to the people, make sure that people live safely in other counties; theyre free to work in other European counties without any problems, promote balanced economic decisions in Europe. European countries face a struggle with all of the people turning all of a sudden to nationalism due to the economic crisis. The governments are losing control and the trust of their people, showing widespread protests for the past 2 years. Most European countries have problems with unemployment and people blame the immigrants for it (since theyre not part of any other Euro pean country), thats why youll mostly see attacks on immigrants and not on the domestic people or people from Europe. The main reasons for the rise in nationalism are the economic crisis by the EU, unemployment and illegal immigration. Countries should fix the economic crisis by making the right choices, since its the main reason for increase in nationalism, supported by unemployment and illegal immigration. The European Union (E.U) was formed in the years after WWII to boost up economic cooperation so that governments work together to prevent such mass killing in the world from ever happening again. In simpler words, its like a club joined by a group of people who agree to work together and follow the rules whether they agree or not. Of course this will result in a great benefit for your country and your economy. It was formed by leaders such as Konrad Adenauer, Joseph Bech, Johan Beyem, Winston Churchill, Alcide de Gasperi, Walter Hallstein, Sicco Mansholt, Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, Paul-Henry Spaak and Altiero Spinelli. These leaders dreamed of a peaceful Europe after the shocking number of deaths of WWII. The first step of creating the EU was in 1949 with West European countries creating the Council of Europe. Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg were the first six countries in April 18, 1951, to sign a contract that said these countries should trade coal and steel with each other since this was one of the reasons of World Wars. They couldnt turn on against the other. In March 25, 1957, the six countries expand their trading treatise by signing The Treaty of Rome forming the European Economic Community. The treaty of Rome said that people, goods services should move freely across the borders of these six countries without any problems by the governments. Germany was in a bad position since the building of the wall in 1961 by the communist to put a stop to the people of the East to move freely to the West. This was a problem since Germany was one of the founding countries of the EU. In July 20, 1963 the EU helps the colonies in Africa; their goal was to bring respect for human rights for those people which suffer. On July 1st 1968 remove all the taxes imported to their country as a sign to move freely all the goods and services. This movement was the first free-trade treaty made in history. On January 1, 1973, three more countries j oin the EU; Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The economic problems started from 1973 when the Arab-Israeli War was on with oil producing nations to face an increase in prices creating economic problems through Europe. The EU responded quickly setting up the European Regional Development Fund whose purpose was to transfer money from rich countries to poorer countries so they develop means of communication such as roads, creating jobs etc. Problems such as human right are more efficient when in 1980s Polish workers strike for their rights. On January 1st 1981, Greece joins the EU after the fall of its military dictatorship (Junta). In 1986 Portugal and Spain join the EU, making the Union up to 12 countries. In 1989 was the fall of the Berlin Wall, reuniting Germany after almost 40 years with the Eastern part joining the EU in 1990. On February 7 the EU sets the rules of its single currency (Euro). At that time they officially name the European Community as the EU. On January 1, 1995 three more countries join the EU, Austria, Finland and Sweden. The EU makes an agreement to 7 countries (Belgium, Germany, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Portugal). The agreement said that the people of these countries can travel freely between these countries without showing any passports or anything!! The Euro was officially introduced in 1999 with notes and coins printed to 11 countries, Greece joined later in 2001. The UK declined this offer preferring to stay with the English Pound. In May 1, 2004 eight more countries join the EU; Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia. Later on in January 2007 two more countries join the EU, Bulgaria and Romania. On September 2008 the crisis strikes again! This time, through the whole world. The crisis started with mortgage problems in the United States. In the other hand, European banks did poorly handling the situation. (EU) Nationalism has a variety of different definitions based on what ideology people grew up with or what different political parties tell them it is. But, lets have a look at the dictionary definition of nationalism. Nationalism is the loyalty and devotion to a nation; especially: a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of it culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups (Marriam-Webster Online Dictionary). Many people have a question of whether patriotism is the same with nationalism. Patriotism is the love for or devotion to ones country. The main difference is that in nationalism you put your nation above all others, making them look weaker or almost non-existence to you, in patriotism even though you love your country, you dont particularly hate other countries. The definition in both cases doesnt show us a terrible meaning of nationalism or patriotism. What people make thro ugh them is different. It all started with the French Revolution back in the 1700s. The people of France wanted to over through the monarch which was in power for many centuries. A monarch is a single man ruling the country without any democratic decisions being made. Its more like a tyranny. They over threw the monarch within just 3 years. The peoples dream was to create a strong nation with solid power to continue. A measure taken for the formation of a French nation was for a group of people to join together and have the same rights as the other person had. They created the flag of France, the tricolor (blue, white, red). The president of the National Assembly which was then called The Estates General was elected democratically by the people. Oaths and the laws of being in the National Assembly were taken very seriously for the name of their nation. For the better effect of nationalism, the French banned all dialects from the country, they encouraged people to speak only the French language which was es tablished in Paris and moved rapidly throughout the nation. With the revolution being successful, the French army started to expand the idea of nationalism into other European countries such as Holland, Switzerland, Belgium, wanting them to become nations instead of sates. During the 18th century, Europe had no nation-states; some countries were divided into kingdoms such as Germany and Italy. In the middle of Europe, the monarchies were still in power and they didnt want to share the same culture as a whole or have the same identity. Monarchy in France was right in the corner to kick in again with Napoleon. He destroyed the democratic views of the country but, he had a plan; to revolutionize in order to make this system work. Nationalism in Europe started to bend towards liberal nationalism. According to the dictionary, liberalism is the power of being free. People got the right to vote regardless of their property, because during the revolution only men with property were allowed to vote. They had the privilege of moving goods and services in between countries. After the defeat of Napoleon, people didnt want to return to the old days of the revolution, they wanted a strong army protecting the church, the families, boosting up the economy and having a strong monarchy. Italy was split into seven states following the years of 1830. Groups were formed underground to revolve and making Italy a whole nation. They believed that God and religion wanted nations as a whole and not be parts of states. The revolutionary citizens were liberal-nationalist, from teachers, professors to middle class people. The Greek War for Independence was one of the most nationalistic movements during that time. After being occupied by the Ottomans for almost 400 years, the Greek stood up with pride and fought the Ottomans which were later on defeated. They got help from other Greeks living away from Greece. They also got help from Western Europeans because they had love for the ancient Greeks and decided to help them. In 1832 the Treaty of Constantinople accepted the Greeks as an independent nation. In the years after 1840, Europe started to shift from nationalistic revolutions to nationalism and the power of reaching political control through Europe. In 1848 German nationalist wanted to unite the parts of Germany as a whole nation-state. They got the help of the military and the monarchs. (History of nationalism, rise of nationalism.) The rise of nationalism in Europe has been a problem for the governments and the EU. These national groups are formed to hit the system and their governments by embracing teenagers to join them. The steps are simple, the internet, in specific Facebook has been a great site for communicating with others while some take advantage of it and control teenagers by promoting videos and other methods of propaganda. It cannot be just that though. People have their own beliefs, they fear that their cultural identity will get lost in a few years from now if immigration increases. The countries that face an increase of nationalism and anti-immigration groups until now are Austria, the Netherlands, which is ironic because they were in the group of six who created the EU, Hungary, Greece, France, Italy, and Spain. The Hungarian national party called Jobbik at the 2010 elections won 47 seats in the parliament! The increase shocked everyone hence in 2006 they were almost invisible in Work Cited: Nationalism in Europe. The Rise of Social Science CBSE Class Ten. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012. The History of the European Union. EU. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2012
Data Conversion and Migration Strategy
Data Conversion and Migration Strategy 1. Data Conversion Migration Strategy The scope of this section is to define the data migration strategy from a CRM perspective. By its very nature, CRM is not a wholesale replacement of legacy systems with BSC CRM but rather the coordination and management of customer interaction within the existing application landscape. Therefore a large scale data migration in the traditional sense is not required, only a select few data entities will need to be migrated into BSC CRM. Data migration is typically a ‘one-off activity prior to go-live. Any ongoing data loads required on a frequent or ad-hoc basis are considered to be interfaces, and are not part of the data migration scope. This section outlines how STEE-Infosoft intends to manage the data migration from the CAMS and HPSM legacy systems to the BSC CRM system. STEE-InfoSoft will provide a comprehensive data conversion and migration solution to migrate the current legacy databases of CAMS and HPSM. The solution would adopt the most suitable and appropriate technology for database migration, using our proven methodology and professional expertise. STEE-InfoSofts data migration methodology assures customers the quality, consistency, and accuracy of results. Table 11 shows STEE-InfoSoft data migration values proposition using our methodology. Table 11: STEE-Infosoft data migration values proposition Value Details Cost Effective STEE-InfoSoft adopts a cost-effective data migration solution. Minimal downtime can be achieved for the data migration. Extensive use of automation speed up work and makes post-run changes and corrections practical. Error tracking and correction capabilities help to avoid repeated conversion re-runs. Customization enables getting the job done the correct way Very Short Downtime Downtime is minimized because most of the migration processes are external to the running application system, and do not affect its normal workflow. It further reduces downtime by allowing the data conversion to be performed in stages. Assured Data Integrity Scripts and programs are automatically generated for later use when testing and validating the data. Control Over the Migration Process. Creating unique ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) scripts to run the extract and load processes in order to reduce the downtime of the existing systems. Merging fields, filtering, splitting data, changing field definitions and translating the field content. Addition, Deletion, Transformation, and Aggregation, Validation rules for cleansing data. 1.1. Data Migration Overview Data migration is the transfer of data from one location, storage medium, or hardware/software system to another. Migration efforts are often prompted by the need for upgrades in technical infrastructure or changes in business requirements Best practices in data migration recommends two principles which are inherent for successful data migration: Perform data migration as a project dedicated to the unique objective of establishing a new (target) data store. Perform data migration in four primary phases: Data Migration Planning, Data Migration Analysis and Design, and Data Migration Implementation, and Data Migration Closeout as shown in 1.1. In addition, successful data migration projects were ones that maximized opportunities and mitigated risks. The following critical success factors were identified: Perform data migration as an independent project. Establish and manage expectations throughout the process. Understand current and future data and business requirements. Identify individuals with expertise regarding legacy data. Collect available documentation regarding legacy system(s). Define data migration project roles responsibilities clearly. Perform a comprehensive overview of data content, quality, and structure. Coordinate with business owners and stakeholders to determine importance of business data and data quality. 1.2. STEE-Info Data Migration Project Lifecycle Table 12 lists the high-level processes for each phase of the STEE-Info Data Migration Project Lifecycle. While all data migration projects follow the four phases in the Data Migration Project Lifecycle, the high-level and low-level processes may vary depending on the size, scope and complexity of each migration project. Therefore, the following information should serve as a guideline for developing, evaluating, and implementing data migration efforts. Each high-level and low-level process should be included in a DataMigrationPlan. For those processes not deemed appropriate, a justification for exclusion should be documented in the DataMigrationPlan. Table 12: Data Migration Project Lifecycle with high-level tasks identified. Data Migration Planning Phase Data Migration Analysis Design Phase Data Migration Implementation Phase Data Migration Closeout Phase Plan Data Migration Project Analyze Assessment Results Develop Procedures Document Data Migration Results Determine Data Migration Requirements Define Security Controls Stage Data Document Lessons Learned Assess Current Environment Design Data Environment Cleanse Data Perform Knowledge Transfer Develop Data Migration Plan Design Migration Procedures Convert Transform Data (as needed) Communicate Data Migration Results Define and Assign Team Roles and Responsibilities Validate Data Quality Migrate Data (trial/deployment) Validate Migration Results (iterative) Validate Post-migration Results During the lifecycle of a data migration project, the team moves the data through the activities shown in 1.2 The team will repeat these data management activities as needed to ensure a successful data load to the new target data store. 1.3. Data Migration Guiding Principles 1.3.1. Data Migration Approach Master Data (e.g. Customers, Assets) The approach is that master data will be migrated into CRM providing these conditions hold: The application where the data resides is being replaced by CRM. The master records are required to support CRM functionality post-go-live. There is a key operational, reporting or legal/statutory requirement. The master data is current (e.g. records marked for deletion need not be migrated) OR is required to support another migration. The legacy data is of a sufficient quality such so as not to adversely affect the daily running of the CRM system OR will be cleansed by the business/enhanced sufficiently within the data migration process to meet this requirement. Note: Where the master data resides in an application that is not being replaced by CRM, but is required by CRM to support specific functionality, the data will NOT be migrated but accessed from CRM using a dynamic query look-up. A dynamic query look-up is a real-time query accessing the data in the source application as and when it is required. The advantages of this approach are; Avoids the duplication of data throughout the system landscape. Avoids data within CRM becoming out-of-date. Avoids the development and running of frequent interfaces to update the data within CRM. Reduces the quantity of data within the CRM systems. ‘Open Transactional data (e.g. Service Tickets) The approach is that ‘open transactional data will NOT be migrated to CRM unless ALL these conditions are met: There is a key operational, reporting or legal/statutory requirement The legacy system is to be decommissioned as a result of the BSC CRM project in timescales that would prevent a ‘run down of open items The parallel ‘run down of open items within the legacy system is impractical due to operational, timing or resource constraints The CRM build and structures permit a correct and consistent interpretation of legacy system items alongside CRM-generated items The business owner is able to commit resources to own data reconciliation and sign-off at a detailed level in a timely manner across multiple project phases Historical Master and Transactional data The approach is that historical data will not be migrated unless ALL these conditions are met: There is a key operational, reporting or legal/statutory requirement that cannot be met by using the remaining system The legacy system is to be decommissioned as a direct result of the BSC CRM project within the BSC CRM project timeline An archiving solution could not meet requirements The CRM build and structures permit a correct and consistent interpretation of legacy system items alongside CRM-generated items The business owner is able to commit resources to own data reconciliation and sign-off at a detailed level in a timely manner across multiple project phases 1.3.2. Data Migration Testing Cycles In order to test and verify the migration process it is proposed that there will be three testing cycles before the final live load: Trial Load 1: Unit testing of the extract and load routines. Trial Load 2: The first test of the complete end-to-end data migration process for each data entity. The main purpose of this load is to ensure the extract routines work correctly, the staging area transformation is correct, and the load routines can load the data successfully into CRM. The various data entities will not necessarily be loaded in the same sequence as will be done during the live cutover Trial Cutover: a complete rehearsal of the live data migration process. The execution will be done using the cutover plan in order to validate that the plan is reasonable and possible to complete in the agreed timescale. A final set of cleansing actions will come out of trial cutover (for any records which failed during the migration because of data quality issues). There will be at least one trial cutover. For complex, high-risk, migrations several trial runs may be performed, until the result is entirely satisfactory and 100% correct. Live Cutover: the execution of all tasks required to prepare BSC CRM for the go-live of a particular release. A large majority of these tasks will be related to data migration. 1.3.3. Data Cleansing Before data can be successfully migrated it data needs to be clean, data cleansing is therefore an important element of any data migration activity: Data needs to be in a consistent, standardised and correctly formatted to allow successful migration into CRM (e.g. CRM holds addresses as structured addresses, whereas some legacy systems might hold this data in a freeform format) Data needs to be complete, to ensure that upon migration, all fields which are mandatory in CRM are populated. Any fields flagged as mandatory, which are left blank, will cause the migration to fail. Data needs to be de-duplicated and be of sufficient quality to allow efficient and correct support of the defined business processes. Duplicate records can either be marked for deletion at source (preferred option), or should be excluded in the extract/conversion process. Legacy data fields could have been misused (holding information different from what this field was initially intended to be used for). Data cleansing should pick this up, and a decision needs to be made whether this data should be excluded (i.e. not migrated), or transferred into a more appropriate field. It is the responsibility of the data owner (i.e. MOM) to ensure the data provided to the STEE-Info for migration into BSC CRM (whether this is from a legacy source or a template populated specifically for the BSC CRM) is accurate. Data cleansing should, wherever possible, be done at source, i.e. in the legacy systems, for the following reasons: Unless a data change freeze is put in place, extracted datasets become out of date as soon as they have been extracted, due to updates taking place in the source system. When re-extracting the data at a later date to get the most recent updates, data cleansing actions will get overwritten. Therefore cleansing will have to be repeated each time a new dataset is extracted. In most cases, this is impractical and requires a large effort. Data cleansing is typically a business activity. Therefore, cleansing in the actual legacy system has the advantage that business people already have access to the legacy system, and are also familiar with the application. Something that is not the case when data is stored in staging areas. In certain cases it may be possible to develop a programme to do a certain degree of automated cleansing although this adds additional risk of data errors. If data cleansing is done at source, each time a new (i.e. more recent) extract is taken, the results of the latest cleansing actions will automatically come across in the extract without additional effort. 1.3.4. Pre-Migration Testing Testing breaks down into two core subject areas: logical errors and physical errors. Physical errors are typically syntactical in nature and can be easily identified and resolved. Physical errors have nothing to do with the quality of the mapping effort. Rather, this level of testing is dealing with semantics of the scripting language used in the transformation effort. Testing is where we identify and resolve logical errors. The first step is to execute the mapping. Even if the mapping is completed successfully, we must still ask questions such as: How many records did we expect this script to create? Did the correct number of records get created? Has the data been loaded into the correct fields? Has the data been formatted correctly? The fact is that data mapping often does not make sense to most people until they can physically interact with the new, populated data structures. Frequently, this is where the majority of transformation and mapping requirements will be discovered. Most people simply do not realize they have missed something until it is not there anymore. For this reason, it is critical to unleash them upon the populated target data structures as soon as possible. The data migration testing phase must be reached as soon as possible to ensure that it occurs prior to the design and building phases of the core project. Otherwise, months of development effort can be lost as each additional migration requirement slowly but surely wreaks havoc on the data model. This, in turn, requires substantive modifications to the applications built upon the data model. 1.3.5. Migration Validation Before the migration could be considered a success, one critical step remains: to validate the post-migration environment and confirm that all expectations have been met prior to committing. At a minimum, network access, file permissions, directory structure, and database/applications need to be validated, which is often done via non-production testing. Another good strategy to validate software migration is to benchmark the way business functions pre-migration and then compare that benchmark to the behaviour after migration. The most effective way to collect benchmark measurements is collecting and analyzing Quality Metrics for various Business Areas and their corresponding affairs. 1.3.6. Data Conversion Process Mapped information and data conversion program will be put into use during this period. Duration and timeframe of this process will depend on: Amount of data to be migrated Number of legacy system to be migrated Resources limitation such as server performance Error which were churned out by this process The conversion error management approach aims to reject all records containing a serious error as soon as possible during the conversion approach. Correction facilities are provided during the conversion; where possible, these will use the existing amendment interface. Errors can be classified as follows: Fatal errors which are so serious that they prevent the account from being loaded onto the database. These will include errors that cause a breach of database integrity; such as duplicate primary keys or invalid foreign key references. These errors will be the focus of data cleansing both before and during the conversion. Attempts to correct errors without user interaction are usually futile. Non-fatal errors which are less serious. Load the affected error onto the database, still containing the error, and the error will be communicated to the user via a work management item attached to the record. The error will then be corrected with information from user. Auto-corrected errors for which the offending data item is replaced by a previously agreed value by the conversion modules. This is done before the conversion process starts together with user to determine values which need to be updated. One of the important tasks in the process of data conversion is data validation. Data validation in a broad sense includes the checking of the translation process per se or checking the information to see to what degree the conversion process is an information preserving mapping. Some of the common verification methods used will be: Financial verifications (verifying pre- to post-conversion totals for key financial values, verify subsidiary to general ledger totals) to be conducted centrally in the presence of accounts, audit, compliance risk management; Mandatory exceptions verifications and rectifications (on those exceptions that must be resolved to avoid production problems) to be reviewed centrally but branches to execute and confirm rectifications, again, in the presence of network management, audit, compliance risk management; Detailed verifications (where full details are printed and the users will need to do random detailed verifications with legacy system data) to be conducted at branches with final confirmation sign-off by branch deployment and branch manager; and Electronic files matching (matching field by field or record by record) using pre-defined files. 1.4. Data Migration Method The primary method of transferring data from a legacy system into Siebel CRM is through Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM). This facility enables bidirectional exchange of data between non Siebel database and Siebel database. It is a server component in the Siebel eAI component group that transfers data between the Siebel database and other corporate data sources. This exchange of information is accomplished through intermediary tables called EIM tables. The EIM tables act as a staging area between the Siebel application database and other data sources. The following figure illustrates how data from HPSM, CAMS, and IA databases will be migrated to Siebel CRM database. 1.5. Data Conversion and Migration Schedule Following is proposed data conversion and migration schedule to migrate HPMS and CAMS, and IA databases into Siebel CRM database. 1.6. Risks and Assumptions 1.6.1. Risks MOM may not be able to confidently reconcile large and/or complex data sets. Since the data migration will need to be reconciled a minimum of 3 times (system test, trial cutover and live cutover) the effort required within the business to comprehensively test the migrated data set is significant. In addition, technical data loading constraints during cutover may mean a limited time window is available for reconciliation tasks (e.g. overnight or during weekends) MOM may not be able to comprehensively cleanse the legacy data in line with the BSC CRM project timescales. Since the migration to BSC CRM may be dependent on a number of cleansing activities to be carried out in the legacy systems, the effort required within the business to achieve this will increase proportionately with the volume of data migrated. Failure to complete this exercise in the required timescale may result in data being unable to be migrated into BSC CRM in time for the planned cutover. The volume of data errors in the live system may be increased if reconciliation is not completed to the required standard. The larger/more complex a migration becomes, the more likely it is that anomalies will occur. Some of these may initially go undetected. In the best case such data issues can lead to a business and project overhead in rectifying the errors after the event. In the worst case this can lead to a business operating on inaccurate data. The more data migrated into BSC CRM makes the cutover more complex and lengthy resulting in an increased risk of not being able to complete the migration task on time. Any further resource or technical constraints can add to this risk. Due to the volume of the task, data migration can divert project and business resources away from key activities such as initial system build, functional testing and user acceptance testing. 1.6.2. Assumptions Data Access Access to the data held within the CAMS, HPSM and IA applications are required to enable data profiling, the identification of data sources and to write functional and technical specifications. Access connection is required to HPMS and CAMS, and IA databases to enable execution of data migrations scripts. MOM is to provide workstations to run ETL scripts for the data migration of HPMS and CAMS, and IA databases. There must not be any schema changes on legacy HPMS and CAMS, and IA databases during data migration phase. MOM is to provide sample of production data for testing the developed ETL scripts. MOM business resource availability; Required to assist in data profiling, the identification of data sources and to create functional and technical specifications. Required to develop and run data extracts from the CAMS HPSM systems. Required to validate/reconcile/sign-off data loads. Required for data cleansing. Data cleansing of source data is the responsibility of MOM. STEE-Info will help identify the data anomalies during the data migration process; however STEE-Info will not cleanse the data in the CAMS HPSM applications. Depending on the data quality, data cleansing can require considerable effort, and involve a large amount of resources. The scope of the data migration requirements has not yet been finalised, as data objects are identified they will be added on to the data object register.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Taco Bells Response to Lawsuit Essay -- Case Study
Unexpected Event In January 2011, a class action lawsuit was filed against Taco Bell, alleging the restaurant chain used more meat fillers than real ground beef. Specifically, the suit claimed Taco Bell’s products were made with â€Å"taco meat filling,†which consisted of extenders and other non-meat substances. The complaint further pointed out that Taco Bell not only misled consumers but also violated federal requirements by labeling â€Å"taco meat filling†as beef. This incident was unexpected as Taco Bell was not informed before the lawsuit was publicized. In addition, the â€Å"beef fiasco†made national headlines and could seriously tarnish the Taco Bell brand. Taco Bell’s response to the â€Å"meat filling†charges was quick and direct. In an attempt to reassure both the customers and employees, Taco Bell launched an advertising campaign explaining the ingredients in its ground beef. The following analysis will discuss how Taco Bell used integrative thinking to combat the bad press and how the company applied Weick and Sutcliffe’s five HRO principles to reverse the negative sentiments generated by the lawsuit. I will also suggest small wins for Taco Bell in regards to the functionalities and implementation of the five HRO principles in order to manifest a more mindful and sustainable infrastructure in the wake of this event. Integrating IMC 457 Taco Bell could choose to remain silent in response to the charges and had its attorneys to negotiate on its behalf. However, silence from the company would mean to reluctantly agree with the accusations. Or, Taco Bell could stay aggressive and took legal action against the plaintiff for making allegedly false statements about its products. The implied trade-off here would be the risk of inviti... ...the five HRO principles must be implemented at all levels to develop a state of â€Å"mindfulness†and to meet customers’ expectations. Works Cited 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Is Human Cloning the Answer? :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Is Human Cloning the Answer? That depends upon the question. Recently there was a major breakthrough in the scientific research - the mapping of all DNA in a human gene is complete. Couple of years ago, this seems an impossible task for scientist to triumph over. All this revolution in science leads us to believe that the day, when the human being will be cloned, is not far away. Human cloning has always been an issue of controversy, be it in terms of ethically or religiously. Taking a look at why cloning might be beneficial, among many cases, it is arguable that parents who are known to be at risk of passing a genetic defect to a child could make use of cloning. A fertilized ovum could be cloned, and the duplicate tested for the disease or disorder. If the clone was free of genetic defects, then the other clone would be as well. The latter could be implanted in the woman and allowed to mature to term. Moreover, cloning would enable infertile couples to have children of their own rather than using sperm of another man. Cloning humans would also mean that organs could be cloned, so it would be a source of perfect transplant organs. This, surely would be immensely beneficial to millions of unfortunate people around the world that are expected to lose their lives due to failure of single (or more) organ(s). It is also arguable that a ban on cloning may be unconstitutional and would deprive people of the right to reproduce and restrict the freedom of scientists. Arguments against cloning are also on a perfectly viable side. Primarily, I believe that cloning would intervene with the normal 'cycle' of life. There would be large number of identical genes, which minimizes the chances of mutation, and, in turn, evolution - the fundamental reason how living things naturally adapt to the ever-changing environment. Life processes failing to do so might result in untimely extinction. Furthermore, cloning would eliminate the uniqueness that each one of us posses. Thus, leading to creation of genetically engineered groups of people for specific purposes and, chances are, that those individuals would be regarded as 'objects' rather than people in the society in grand scale.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Poor and Rich in Society
â€Å"It is the duty of the strong to protect the weak There are many things and people in this world that is classified as the strong like for example, nations, individuals†¦.. but then there are many things and people in this world that is classified as the weak. This term is commonly view as the unemployed, 3rd world countries, physically disable†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Thousands and thousands of university students graduate each year.Yet despite, the fancy gowns and certificate, nearly most of them struggle to find a job due to the huge amount of candidates and competitions for this portion of the population they are very dependent on benefit. Yet for people who are very stable and moneyed think that taxes goes to people that can’t sort them self out. In today’s society, we have a fixed idea of sterotype, like the homeless for example, they are dirty, slopy, useless†¦. these views are common, especially if they try to look for a job. Most of the time these fixed vi ews is made by the strong.A homeless person can be anyone, how they became homeless depends on their own story. If someone who has a stable job, a large amount of saving and their own keys to their own front doors, and are willing to gamble all that away because of their own stupidity, then of course is their own doing. But if someone who is willing and tried and tried yet still they have not succeeded, then yes, the strong must help the weak. As time passes everyone grows old, for people who could afford a pension can have a secure life until the very end, but for the other half it’s entirely different story.Old people are normally physically weak. For some they don’t even have a family or money so again it’s the duty of the strong to help the weak. Christians would agree with this statement because take the good of symaraphan for example, a man was robed, several people walked pass and at the end a person helped him and he wasn’t one of those people who was at high position of the church just a normal ordinary person. Some people think that making money is the main purpose of their lives; this goes against Christian teaching.Christianity says that having money is wrong if money becomes the main focus of a person’s life, or is gained dishonestly. In recent years the Christian churches have concerned themselves more with issues such as poverty and the fairer distribution of wealth in the world. A few very rich nations own most of the world’s wealth and therefore resources of all kinds are not distributed equally Muslims would also agree with this statement because one of the pilgrims is called zakah, zakah is 2. 5% of a Muslim’s income and savings after they have taken care of their families.The rich pay more than those with less money and very poor people pay nothing at all. Muslims can also give voluntary charitable donations called sadaqah when someone is in need. I agree with this statement because the more unable you are the less likely that chances will come, unless some sort of assistance is given. In conclusion, I believe the statement is base on individual thoughts because depending on the life style of the person the way they think also varies as well. By: emma. ritz
Chemistry Background Information Essay
When a person is exercising, or undergoing near sort of a straining activity, it has often been observed that they toast a hardening of potables. This maybe in the direct of water, power tipsinesss, juice or it may even be carbonated sodas. why is this so What Benefits do athletes get from intoxication cipher sop ups How does fitness relate to vim imbibesThis answer lies in the basic chemic structure of cogency wassails. These crapulences consumed during exercising argon both(prenominal)(prenominal) more complex than what they direct like. They comprise of about vital nutrients which shit the respective vexers quick efficacy. qualification imbibes competency drinks atomic number 18 drinks designed to augment formidability and improve visible performance. Some energy drinks atomic number 18 designed e specially for selected athletes, but almost be produced and marketed for the everyday community.The main ingredients in energy drinks ar caffeine, taurine and glucuronolac gross tvirtuoso. Some new drinks on the market also contain opium poppy shed extract or ephedrine.Details of the ingredients certify in some energy drinks chlorineIonspHGlucose is the forms pet fuel. Energy drinks contain a ton of sugar which means, they contain a serve up of energy. Its a carbohydrate, and a mete emerge of exercise regiments suggest a ethical dose of carbohydrates for workouts lasting more than an hour. However, to much sugar intake has been proved to construct diabetes.Taurine is an amino dot that our body naturally produces. It assists regulate heartbeat, muscle contractions, and energy levels. Usually the body mystifys enough that supplements be non compulsory. Its thought, but not proven, that under stress conditions like illness, somatogenetic exertion, or injury, the body does not squander enough and supplements tummy help. Taurine top executive be a mild inhibitory neurotransmitter, some studies show it helps wi th excitable thinker states, suggesting its addition to most energy drinks.Ginseng, an adaptogenic herb, is k without delay to ontogeny energy, relieve stress and increase memory. However, it does contain some anti-fatigue components. Right now its suspected that ginseng helps defecate the hypothalamic and pituitary glands, which then mask something called adrenal corticotropic hormone. Ginseng is nothing thats naturally created in the body, so having it in drinks certainly wont hurt. ccmg/day is the standard dose, but one whoremaster fullly take up to 2700mg.Anti-oxidants help the body gracefully recover from the defile of free radicals. Vitamin C is the most common anti-oxidant. Energy drinks containing a lot of Vitamin C discharge be comp ard to a real fresh orange juice. Anti-oxidants help suffer off illness and prevent cellular dam term. Vitamins C, E, and Vitamin A, are all anti-oxidants.Besides these common ingredients, energy drinks contain, sodium, magnesium and different ions. They are all a mixture of disparate chemicals performing their desired actions when it enters the human body.Thus, in this research project, we decided to analyse energy drinks and perform antithetic types of qualitative tests on these drinks so as to verify whether or not what the labels on the drinks, say, are true. As a consequent, different drinks are to be time-tested qualitatively. At the end of the essays, a much more general desire of energy drink content would be seen.In our research project, we will accent to compare the qualitative contents of some energy drinks. These drinks will vary from outside(a) drinks to unproblematic local energy drinks. To compare energy drinks form other drinks, such(prenominal)(prenominal) drinks can be compared to carbonate ones as well. We will be performing the succeeding(a) qualitative tests1) running play for Chloride Anion2) canvas for trim scrawls3) genial test for pH4) ravel for Electrolyte captureTo t est numerous energy drinks for some essential chemicals exemplify, and validate its ingredients, as suggested by the manufacturers.ApparatusTo carry out these tests in a systematic order, a lot of materials are required. The list of the apparatus needed is buildn downstairs* test Tubes (3-4)* Beakers* dropper* Tripod Stand* Bunsen Burner* Distilled irrigate* pH meter* Connecting Wires* Battery* Mili-Ammeter* Light Emitting crystal rectifier (LED)** Benedicts etymon* argent Nitrate (AgNO3) closure variables in that respect are not many variables in our experiment be suit of the fact that there is no numerical data. All data to be tested is qualitative.Independent VariableConstant VariableDependent VariableChloride AnionEnergy Drinks batch of Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) source usePresence of Chloride ions audition for lessen SugarsEnergy DrinksVolume of Benedicts beginning usedPresence of cut down Sugars outpouring for pHEnergy DrinksVolume of DrinkpH Value ( acid-forming or Basic) seek for ElectrolyteEnergy DrinksNumber of Batteries Connected bringion of the energy drinkManipulation of Variables affair/MethodA lot of simple steps need to be carried out to achieve valid data. Since four different tests are being carried out, it would be bump if the steps for each test ismentioned and followed separately. turn up for Chloride Anionselective information Processing goal and military rank runnel for diminution Sugar graze a footling amount of the event to be tested into a test-tube. lend an equal amount of Benedicts reagent into the test-tube and discover this test-tube into a water bath. If the radical turns dark yellow or brick red, it is effective to assume that reduce sugars are yield in the source that had been tested. interrogation for Chloride Ion federal agency a small amount of the solution to be tested into a test-tube. attention deficit disorder a few drops of silver nitrate. If a mysterious ashen exploit is make in the solutio n, it means that the solution contains the chloride ion. block out for the pHPlace a small amount of the solution to be tested into a small beaker. Calibrate the pH meter by placing it into the calibrating solution, and then exam it my measuring the pH of water. After this, place the pH meter into the solution that necessarily to be tested and then rule book the reading that appears on the digital display.Data Collection and ProcessingAll the data collected during the course of the experiment is summarized belowPocari SweatPOCARI SWEAT is a cosmea renowned mild tasting, refreshing drink which replenishes body fluids lost through perspiration. It is arguably the most widespread energy drink. tuition received from http// interpreted from http// food/Pocari%20Sweat.jpgPocari SweatElectrolyte interrogatoryChloride riddle demonstrate for carmineucing SugarspH visitation ending collateral absolute peremptory bit terRemarksThe solution contains electricity. It can use up currents up to 20 mA.A soggy tweed-hot sharp was obtained. Chloride anions are submit in the solution.The utmost saturation was that of reddish-brown. This suggests the heraldic bearing of carbohydrates (glucose).The pH was save as 3.6. This is an acerb solution.Vita regularize (orange)Vita partition (Orange), just like our old drink is an energy drink produced in Indonesia This drink has an orange bladder fucus. We brace taken up these similar drinks (both are Vita order) as we wanted to compare the element of flavor on the drinks chemical components. As a result, we would get a much better insight into the uses of such chemicals.Picture taken From http// Zone (Orange)Electrolyte TestChloride TestTest for deprivationucing SugarspH Test event collateral convinced(p)Positive blisteringRemarksThe solution contains electricity. It can conduct currents up to 45 mA.A dim white precipitate was obtained. Chloride anions are exhibit in the solution.The lowest examination exam comment was that of reddish-brown. This suggests the social movement of carbohydrates (glucose).The pH was save as 3.4. This is an virulent solution.Vita zone (Citrus)Vita Zone (Citrus) is an energy drink produced in Indonesia. It is cognise for its different flavors which help attract athletes. However, the drink we are testing is Vita Zone (Citrus), which has a citrus ( rotter) shopping center added to it.Picture interpreted From http// Zone (Citrus)Electrolyte TestChloride TestTest for bolshyucing SugarspH Test goPositivePositivePositive causticRemarksThe solution contains electricity. It can conduct currents up to 25 mA.A cloudy white precipitate was obtained. Chloride anions are present in the solution.The final colour was that of reddish-brown. This suggests the mien of carbohydrates (glucose). The pH was enter as 3.9. This is an acidic solution.Lemon waterLemon water supply is an energy drink produced in Indonesia. It is know for its quantity of Vitamin C that it provides athletes. It has a entireness of potassiummg of Vitamin C added into the drink itself. This drink is lemon flavored.Lemon peeElectrolyte TestChloride TestTest for Reducing SugarspH Test bequeathPositivePositivePositive acerbRemarksThe solution contains electricity. However, it is a delicate electrolyte as it can conduct currents notwithstanding up to 4 mA.A cloudy white precipitate was obtained. Chloride anions are present in the solution. Then, the colour trans throwd at once to down(p) due to the presence of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).The final colour was that of reddish-brown. This suggests the presence of carbohydrates (glucose).The pH was save as 3.6. This is an acidic solution.Orange WaterOrange Water is an energy drink produced in Indonesia. It is cognise for its quantity of Vitamin C that it provides athletes. It has a total of grandmg of Vitamin C added into the drink itself. This drink is orange flavored.Orange WaterElectrolyte TestChloride TestTest for Reducing SugarspH Test allow forPositivePositivePositiveAcidicRemarksThe solution contains electricity. It can conduct currents up to 20 mA.A cloudy white precipitate was obtained. Chloride anions are present in the solution. Then, the colour diversifyd directly to sorry due to the presence of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).The final colour was that of reddish-brown. This suggests the presence of carbohydrates (glucose).The pH was recorded as 3.9. This is an acidic solution.UC gigabyte (Lemon)This drink is manufactured by the said(prenominal) company as our previous dickens drinks. As a result, it does have the 1000 mg of Vitamin C added to it. However, this drink is carbonated. It has a natural lemon essence added to it.UC 1000 (Lemon)Electrolyte TestChloride TestTest for Reducing SugarspH TestResultPositiveP ositivePositiveAcidicRemarksThe solution contains electricity. It is a mild electrolyte and can conduct currents up to 10 mA.A cloudy white precipitate was obtained. Chloride anions are present in the solution. Then, the colour diversenessd directly to black due to the presence of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).The final colour was that of reddish-brown. This suggests the presence of carbohydrates (glucose).The pH was recorded as 3.7. This is an acidic solution.UC 1000 (Orange)This drink is manufactured by the same company as our previous two drinks. As a result, it does have the 1000 mg of Vitamin C added to it. However, this drink is carbonated. It has a natural orange essence added to it.UC 1000 (Orange)Electrolyte TestChloride TestTest for Reducing SugarspH TestResultPositivePositivePositiveAcidicRemarksThe solution contains electricity. It is a mild electrolyte and can conduct currents up to 10 mA.A cloudy white precipitate was obtained. Chloride anions are present in the solution. Then, the colour changed directly to black due to the presence of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).The final colour was that of reddish-brown. This suggests the presence of carbohydrates (glucose).The pH was recorded as 3.7. This is an acidic solution.PepsiPepsi (Blue)To compare the contents of energy drinks and simple carbonated round the bend drinks, tests on Pepsi Blue, coca plant Cola and coca Cola Zero were carried out.Pepsi Blue was launched in mid-2002 and discontinued in the United States in 2004, although it remains available in some other countries. Its berry flavor was the result of taste-testing over 100 flavors over a 9-month period. It is consumed by many teenagers and adults alike.Information Taken From http// BlueElectrolyte TestChloride TestTest for Reducing SugarspH TestResultPositive detrimentalPositiveAcidicRemarksThe solution contains electricity. It is a mild electrolyte and can conduct currents up to 8 mA. resolutene ss remained blue. Thus, there was no change in colour and no white precipitate. This suggests the absence seizure of chloride ions.The final colour was that of reddish-brown. This suggests the presence of carbohydrates (glucose).The pH was recorded as 3.1. This is an acidic solution.Coca ColaThis is a carbonated boozing sold in more than 200 countries orbitwide. It is arguably the most renowned drink in the world.Coca ColaElectrolyte TestChloride TestTest for Reducing SugarspH TestResultPositive prejudiciousPositiveAcidicRemarksThe solution contains electricity. It is a mild electrolyte and can conduct currents up to 6 mA.Solution remained black. Thus, there was no change in colour and no white precipitate. This suggests the absence of chloride ions.The final colour was that of reddish-brown. This suggests the presence of carbohydrates (glucose).The pH was recorded as 3.4. This is an acidic solution.Coca Cola (Zero)This is a carbonated beverage sold in more than 200 countries worl dwide. It is arguably the most renowned drink in the world. However, this fluctuation of Coca Cola has Zero Sugar in it, as it can be seen from the name. It is claimed that this drink contains no sugar at all.Coca Cola (Zero)Electrolyte TestChloride TestTest for Reducing SugarspH TestResultPositiveNegativeNegativeAcidicRemarksThe solution contains electricity. It is a shadowy electrolyte and can conduct currents up to 6 mA.Solution remained black. Thus, there was no change in colour and no white precipitate. This suggests the absence of chloride ions.The final colour was that of black. There was no significant colour change during the course of the experiment. As a result, reducing sugars are absent.The pH was recorded as 3.5. This is an acidic solution.Red BullRed Bull is the most consumed energy drink in the world. It is adapted from a Thai energy drink and is widely known for its Taurine content. Athletes all over the world consume this very drink to give them a sudden boost o f energy.Red BullElectrolyte TestChloride TestTest for Reducing SugarspH TestResultPositiveNegativePositiveAcidicRemarksThe solution contains electricity. It is an electrolyte and can conduct currents up to 17.5 mA.Solution remained light brown in colour. Thus, there was no colour change and no white precipitate. This suggests the absence of chloride ions.The final colour was that of reddish-brown. This suggests the presence of carbohydrates (glucose).The pH was recorded as 3.5. This is an acidic solution.Along with the morsel tests carried out on this drink, a special ingredient was tested. Due to the unique savour of the drink, one can easily figure out the presence of esters in the drink. As a result, the test for Unsaturation was carried out.Bromine Water Test NegativeThe colour of atomic number 35 water did not change. It did not decolor and it can be concluded that Red Bull contains saturated esters.HormovitonHormoviton is a drink associated in building up ones stamina. It is consumed by males only to increase their endurance and stamina for different purposes. As a result, it can be include in the same category as energy drinks.HormovitonElectrolyte TestChloride TestTest for Reducing SugarspH TestResultPositivePositivePositiveAcidicRemarksThe solution contains electricity. It is an electrolyte and can conduct currents up to 34 mA.A cloudy white precipitate was obtained. Chloride anions are present in the solution.The final colour was that of reddish-brown. This suggests the presence of carbohydrates (glucose).The pH was recorded as 3.8. This is an acidic solution.Conclusion and EvaluationNot enough is shortly known about energy drinks and their effect on health and wellbeing. The producers of energy drinks make many claims about the health make of their products. They say that their products can increase physical endurance, improve reaction time, boost mental alertness and concentration, increase overall wellbeing, convey metabolism, improve stami na and help lead waste from the body. The drinks are marketed as healthy, free rein and youthful, and many children, young people and adults are taken in by the vehemence created around them, believing these claims to be true. However, the deduction shows that it may be wise to be cautious in our consumption of energy drinks.Caffeine, taurine and glucuronolactone occur naturally in the body, but the fact that they are present in much higher doses in energy drinks may be cause for concern. Scientists say that caffeine can have an effect on the growing mastermind and that it may cause a capitulation in the bodys repellent system. For now, health authorities have mulish that energy drinks are generally safe for consumption, with some cautions.Evidence is beginning to emerge that energy drinks may be harmful to some members of our community. It may be better(p) to avoid giving these drinks to children under the age of ten. With older children and young people, watch well-nigh the amount of energy drinks they consume as well as any cause on their mood or behaviour. If you are unsure or would like and advice, consult your doctor or other health professional.
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