Thursday, December 26, 2019
Education And Pursuing A College Education - 924 Words
In society today, education and pursuing a college education is stressed to kids today like never before. It’s almost impossible to escape the idea that college is the best option, from commercials, parents, and teachers it’s drilled into their minds constantly. It’s now a common belief that the American dream is unattainable without the completion of college. The truth is, these days it almost is unattainable without a degree, trying to get a job interview or a high paying salary in this job market without higher education is nearly impossible. A college degree is now more important than ever. When choosing to enroll, many fear leaving school with quite a bit of debt, which brings up a several concerns regarding if the degree is really worth it or will that big investment really pay off? The answer to that really lies in where one goes to school and what for, but overall, the success of accomplishing the goal of a degree leaves one far ahead of those who opt for just a high school education. Not all schools are the same, the more selective the school the more salary after graduation, but even the lowest earning degrees from a university still out earn a diploma. This is shown to be true in Mark Schneider’s Baccalaureate and Beyond survey. The point of the survey was to find the lifetime earnings for bachelor’s degrees by type of institution. He found that those who attended more selective schools had three times the lifetime earnings premium of those who received a degreeShow MoreRelatedPursuing Higher Education : College Essay1199 Words  | 5 PagesPurs uing higher education (college in this instance) is a very popular choice among high schoolers these days. Every boy and girl in high school either dreads or looks forward to the college experience. 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